Home New Deadlock game details confirmed by Valve

New Deadlock game details confirmed by Valve


  • Valve confirms new game Deadlock, inspired by Dota universe with modern steampunk European city setting.
  • Leaked content is an early development build with experimental gameplay and art assets, featuring 19 characters.
  • Deadlock is a PVP shooter with a soul-based monetary system, potentially releasing in 2025 but may face delays.
  • Valve has confirmed new details and the validity of the studio’s new game, Deadlock.

    According to reports by Insider Gaming, world-renowned gaming giant Valve has broken the silence on its new intellectual property (IP).

    Valve breaks silence on Deadlock

    We reported the news of the initial Valve leak by prominent social media leaker Gabe Follower.

    Further down the social post, Gabe Follower said the game style is “inspired by Dota (Defense of the Ancients) universe. Main map references modern steampunk European city (little bit like Half-Life). Initially game had sci-fi elements inspired by Half-Life and Portal, but after bad feedback dev team decided to focus on fantasy.”

    Insider Gaming confirmed these reports after a conversation with Valve. However, Valve has demanded that Gabe Follower cease from any further posts and that Insider Gaming do not disclose the alpha video footage they have seen.

    Valve commented that the leaked content circulating is an “early development build with lots of experimental gameplay features and art assets.”

    What we know so far about Deadlock (not much)

    The (Player-Versus-Player) PVP shooter scene is already packed with Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Valorant, to name a few. Valve can, however, enter the fray with an award-winning pedigree and a substantial catalog of cult classics.

    There are no Valve-approved images or content yet, but the cast of nineteen characters across a steampunk-inspired environment designed by the studio is enough to excite players.

    Valve has confirmed that a monetary system will revolve around ‘souls’ released upon an enemy’s death. These collective souls can be placed in an urn at the center of combat to share the resources between rounds.

    Value has a hardcore fanbase that has been on board since the original Half-Life and its many incarnations. So, another first-person shooter will call on that large group of gaming stalwarts, and the PVP environment’s appeal will attract the new generation of shooter players.

    Game Insider has a potential release slated for 2025, but Valve is notorious for pushing back deadlines. So it remains to be seen when the gaming studio will issue an official statement, but history tells us this might be a bit of a wait.

    Image: Ideogram.

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    Brian-Damien Morgan
    Tech Journalist

    Brian-Damien Morgan is an award-winning journalist and features writer. He was lucky enough to work in the print sector for many UK newspapers before embarking on a successful career as a digital broadcaster and specialist. His work has spanned the public and private media sectors of the United Kingdom for almost two decades. Since 2007, Brian has continued to add to a long list of publications and institutions, most notably as Editor of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, winning multiple awards for his writing and digital broadcasting efforts. Brian would then go on to be integral to the Legacy 2014,…

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