Dating a geek can be a lot of fun: we all want our live-in tech support. Let’s face it, geeks can be sexy too. But how do you know when you have a ringer or the real deal? And what if one of you is a PC and the other is a Mac? Time to take our quiz. Ask your geek these questions and add up the score to see whether you are truly compatible in tech.
- What kind of home Internet connection are we talking about?
- S/he is still is on dial-up. WTF?
- Your connection is way faster than your companion’s.
- Your companion has got the fiber thing going on and you can’t wait to stream the latest episode of DWTS.
- When s/he says he is going to make you a mix tape, you actually get:
- A real cassette with music on it that has been personally selected from a collection of vintage vinyl.
- A CD that s/he has burned from iTunes.
- A dedicated playlist on Spotify or Rdio or personal Pandora station.
- Who has more apps on their cell?
- Your companion doesn’t have a smartphone, still using a Razr from 2005.
- You are totally hip-deep in apps and can show your companion some funny Siri moments on YouTube.
- S/he has written at least one app and is selling it on iTunes.
- When you spend the night at his/her place and bring your laptop, does s/he give you access to the home Wifi network?
- No, because s/he doesn’t have Wifi, what where you thinking?
- Yes, no problemo, you are sitting side-by-side typing away and sharing your online moments right now.
- Yes, but s/he will also show you how to hack into several of the neighbors’ networks too just for fun.
- How long have you been together before you get your own ringtone on your companion’s mobile?
- Forget it: s/he has no clue that you can program your own custom ringtones.
- By the third date, s/he has this covered.
- S/he downloaded your favorite songs to his or her phone and gives you several choices.
- You want to go out for a movie. What’s playing?
- S/he reaches for the newspaper to look up the movie times.
- S/he brings up Yahoo Movies website on the phone while you are discussing the issue.
- S/he has Flixster or equivalent app on his or her phone.
- You want to stay in and watch a movie. What happens next?
- S/he asks you if you want to pick something out of his or her personal collection or go to the nearest Blockbuster to pick up a DVD.
- You bring up your companion’s Netflix account and stream something to the laptop while you cuddle on the couch.
- S/he has a choice of online video services, knows the way around Hulu and and you pick out something that you watch directly on the big screen TV.
- What operating system is s/he running?
- Still using Windows XP or Mac OS pre-Tiger.
- Is current with Windows 7 or Mac OS Lion.
- S/he runs several inside virtual sessions, take your pick.
- Compare computers.
- Your companion’s is way older than yours, and a desktop too.
- You both have about the same vintage.
- Your companion just got a new one for Christmas and it is smoking fast.
- You need to get in touch quickly about something that is upsetting you. Which will get you the fastest response?
- Call your companion on his or her cell.
- Text a question.
- You text a question and get an answer from your companion’s work PC with Skype because s/he would rather talk to you.
- What is your companion’s preferred personal email address?
- [email protected] or [email protected] : in other words, clueless.
- Not to worry, s/he is on Gmail.
- Your companion has owned his or her own dot com since like whenever.
- Your relationship is getting “serious”. What happens next online?
- Nothing. S/he doesn’t even have Facebook.
- S/he updates his Facebook status to “its complicated” or “in a relationship with.”
- Your companion has already started a blog of your relationship and posted pix of the two of you after your third date. And checks in on Foursquare and made a list of the places you’ve already been together.
- You get in your companion’s car and they get a phone call. What happens?
- S/he picks up the phone and answers it while driving.
- S/he’s got a Bluetooth headset and answers it.
- The phone is paired to the car electronics and s/he puts it on speaker
- You want to listen to some music at your companion’s place. What next?
- Everything is analog, how retro.
- S/he brings up iTunes and away you go, but you have many more tracks on your laptop.
- S/he has an extensive collection of digital music even has romantic playlists with hours of tunes to choose from.
- You think you just got infected with some kind of computer virus and ask your companion for help. They respond:
- “I guess we better go to Best Buy and see what they can do.”
- “I don’t know much about this but let’s try scanning your laptop.”
- S/he is online checking out the latest security sites to see what has been posted even before you have finished asking the question.
- You are over at your place and your printer isn’t working. What does your companion do?
- Turns the printer off and on several times, but without really a clue why.
- Asks you for the manual to try to troubleshoot the problem.
- They have the innards exposed and seems to know what s/he is doing and gets it fixed in a few minutes.
For each “a” answer, award 0 points
For each “b” answer, award 1 point
For each “c” answer, award 2 points
Bonus round: Add half a point for every service that your companion uses that you don’t.
- Klout
- Github
Now add up your points.
If you got less than 10, your guy or gal doesn’t have any geek cred. Accept your fate or move on.
Between 11 – 20, you still rule in the tech department. If your companion is male, be careful about that fragile male ego, and try to be gentle when explaining tech topics. If your companion is female, try not to overdo the tech lingo when answering questions.
Over 25, you got a real gem here and try to overlook the personal grooming deficiencies. Your companion could be the next Mark Zuckerberg.
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