Dan Frommer tells you the only five things that matter at Mobile World Congress. This and more in today’s Daily Wrap.

Sometimes it’s difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of what you missed in the ReadWriteWeb Community, including a link to some of the most popular discussions in our offsite communities on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ as well.

The Only 5 Things That Matter at Mobile World Congress
Beyond the distractions of tons of people, hundreds of booths and great panels, Dan Frommer reminds us that there are five things that we can’t miss at this year’s Mobile World Congress. One of those is that the show itself is amazing, but beyond that, there are some significant lessons to learn about Google, Apple, Samsung and telecoms. Read “The Only 5 Things That Matter at Mobile World Congress” to stay up to date on this year’s upcoming mobile trends.
From our readers:
rawryree – That’s the sad part. Until WebOS and Tizen get their act together, even the open source realm is pretty much monopolized by Android, allowing mediocrity to reign. The only reason Android is flourishing right now is that it’s the only alternative to Apple.
(Yeah, there’s Windows Phone 7, but it’s not going Open Source any time soon so they’re relegated to the third-party status like BlackBerry OS.)
More Must Read Stories:
Company Reactions to Facebook Timeline for Brands
This morning Facebook launched Timeline For Brands, which will give brand pages the same look, feel and functionality as the personal page Timelines the social network has been rolling out since September. (more)
The FBI launched Perfect Hedge Investigations, an effort to root out insider trading that includes monitoring of social networks.
The emphasis on social media and online communications platforms like Skype accents how complex law enforcement is becoming in the connected era: a simple phone tap or document subpoena is no longer enough to catch Gordon Gecko-like figures in an age where people have dozens of options for sending information to associates. (more)
WordPress For Musicians: CASH Music Wants to Open Source the Industry
We hear a lot about how dramatically the music industry is changing. And indeed, there are plenty of positive trends amidst the disruption. Music creation is easier than ever. So is music discovery. Streaming services offer a new model for the consumption of music on any device, in any location. Whether from within a startup or at Music Hack Day, developers are building new things everyday that will help shape the future of music. (more)
Marketing Your App: Find Market Weaknesses and Exploit Them
There are more smartphones in the hands of consumers than ever. The natural consequence of smartphone penetration is that more users are downloading more apps. It comes down to simple economic theory: as volume increases the cost of acquiring loyal users goes down. (more)
Art of Entrepreneurship: Who to Listen to and Why
The art of entrepreneurship and the science of customer development is not just getting out of the building and listening to prospective customers. It’s understanding who to listen to and why. (more)
How to Enhance Your Community Using Twitter, a New O’Reilly Book
Are you seemingly stuck with trying to suss out what to do with Twitter? Don’t know how to get started? Does 140 characters seem daunting? Then you might want to take a look at a new O’Reilly book called Tweetsmart. (more)
Strata 2012: 3 Essential Skills of a Data Driven CEO
At the Strata Jumpstart session on Tuesday, Diego Saenz of Data Driven CEO made the case for three skills that are must haves for CEOs to become “data driven.”
Much of Saenz’s talk focused on one specific data-driven CEO: Robert McDonald of Procter and Gamble (P&G). (more)
RSA 2012: Former McAfee CTO Demonstrates Remote Access Exploits on WebKit
The company is called CrowdStrike (not “CloudStrike”), and most folks attending the NSA session featuring the company Wednesday morning had never heard of it. That wasn’t why they were there. The man behind CrowdStrike is George Kurtz, the former chief technology officer of McAfee, and the man widely credited with bringing that company into the realm of seriousness. (more)
Why Video Games Are Good for Your Kids
In addition to understanding the many real concerns that today’s parents have with video games, it’s also worth considering the benefits and positive aspects that contemporary interactive entertainment choices provide. (more)
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