Dan Rowinski rounds up the best apps, in our opinion, of January 2012. This and more in today’s Daily Wrap.

Sometimes it’s difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of what you missed in the ReadWriteWeb Community, including a link to some of the most popular discussions in our offsite communities on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ as well.

New iPhone, iPad and Android Apps for January 2012
In what is surely a labor of love, Dan Rowinski combs through the mass of apps released each month and highlights the best for you. This month we have added a few staff picks, so you can see picks from several ReadWriteWeb staffers too. From new releases on Android and iOS to notable updates released last month, this list will help you get your phone and tablet up to date. Check out New iPhone, iPad and Android Apps for January 2012.
More Must Read Stories:
Were Turntable.fm and “Group Listening” Just a Summertime Fad?
Other than Spotify, there could hardly have been a more buzz-worthy music startup this summer than Turntable.fm. The group listening and virtual DJing app seemed to come out of nowhere and take the Web by storm, grabbing funding and users in huge quantities. The company, which rose from the pivot-generated ashes of mobile scannable sticker startup StickyBits, first went live in May of last year and became all the rage among the kids. (more)
Web Pros: Candidates Are Running Neck-And-Neck In Mediocre Web Design
We asked expert Web designers to evaluate the major presidential candidates’ campaign Web sites. The candidates got okay, but not great, marks. And in a year when social media and mobile technology could play a role in the election, okay may not be good enough. (more)
Social media sentiment can predict fluctuations in stock market volume as much as six to seven days ahead of time, according to a Harvard Business School doctoral candidate who has been studying the impact social media has on equities. (more)
Watch Out Netflix: Amazon to Stream Everything From Spongebob to Jersey Shore
Amazon’s on-demand streaming video offering just got a whole lot more attractive. The company announced today that they signed a deal with Viacom, allowing them to offer thousands of new videos from sources like MTV, Comedy Central, VH1, BET and Nickelodeon, among others. (more)
Path Apologizes For Privacy Mistake. Do You Accept?
After an enterprising hacker discovered a privacy problem in beloved new social app Path yesterday, its creators have issued an update and an apology. “We commit to you that we will continue to be transparent and always serve you our users, first,” CEO Dave Morin writes. (more)
[Video] An IT Security Guy Walks Into the Room…
In honor of yesterday’s Safer Internet Day, we present a tribute to the IT security folks that keep most of us running during the day and from drowning in a sea of spam and malware. We know the “$#!& people say” meme is a little played out, but we feel that’s mostly because there have been some really mediocre entries into the genre recently. The video below is sure to leave you giggling if you belong to the geeky group of IT security experts. Check it out. (more)
Expect “Windows 8 for Mobile” at Feb. 29 Barcelona Rollout
A Microsoft spokesperson confirmed to ReadWriteWeb this afternoon that the Consumer Preview phase of Windows 8 testing is slated to begin on Wednesday, February 29, with a gala rollout event in Barcelona. That’s to coincide – for the first time – with Mobile World Congress, which has not generally been known as the kind of affair where a PC operating system is the headliner. (more)
Exclusive: Interview With Inside Apple’s Adam Lashinsky [Video]
On Friday, February 3, at the lovely Delancey St. Theater in San Francisco, ReadWriteWeb and our new home company, SAY Media, co-hosted a release party for Adam Lashinsky’s new book, Inside Apple: How America’s Most Admired – And Secretive – Company Really Works. It was our first joint event since we joined SAY in December. RWW and SAY are working together to figure out the future of media, so a gathering to discuss a book about Apple was a great place to start. (more)
Grovo How To Do SEO Video Series
We’ve written earlier about Grovo, an online video e-learning site that conducts a lot of celebrity interviews. Some of them are more interesting than others. Today they have a new series with Zach Ciperski, the Director of SEO for EliteSEM and also serves as Vice President of CoffeeForLess.com. He has built sites for some major retailers and teaches SEO at New York University, among other places. His series is on How To SEO, and is worth watching if you are still struggling with the basics, or need some help before you go forth and try to hire an SEO specialist. Here is one five-minute segment on making small tweaks to your site. (more)
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