John Paul Titlow doesn’t think today’s launch of iBooks 2 will disrupt the textbook industry anytime soon. This and more in today’s Daily Wrap.

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Why Apple Won’t Disrupt the Textbook Industry Anytime Soon
Starting today, Apple’s iBooks 2 became available in the iTunes App Store. Though Apple is known for disrupting industries, as they have done with the mp3 player, the phone, the tablet and music purchases, John Paul Titlow thinks the disruption of the textbook industry may take a bit longer, much like their attempt to disrupt television.
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Apple Takes Aim at Education With iBooks 2 and Textbook Publishing Tools
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The Socially Aware blog has put together a nice infographic that highlights several key decisions in social media case law, starting with the Sony v. Universal Supreme Court Betamax recording decision of 1984 and continuing to the more recent past. In light of the SOPA and PIPA protests and discussions of this week, I found the review enlightening and interesting to see how far we have gone in terms of legislating copyright violations and other digital misdeeds. Remember Facebook suing and ultimately crushing How about Courtney Love’s Tweet that supposedly defamed a fashion designer? (more)
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