OnWardSearch releases an infographic showing the typical salaries for social media professionals. This and more in today’s Daily Wrap.
Sometimes it’s difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of what you missed in the ReadWriteWeb Community, including a link to some of the most popular discussions in our offsite communities on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ as well.
From the top 20 markets for social media professionals to the average salaries in the industry, OnWardSearch’s latest infographic is a great illustration for those of you working in social media. Check out How Much Are Your Social Media Skills Worth? to see the full infographic.
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“This is My Jam” is Like Pinterest for Music
You know how it goes. One way or another, you get introduced to a new song, it sticks in your head and you want to share it with your Internet buddies. There are a few ways to go about it. You could find the song on YouTube and post a link to it on Facebook. You could tweet it. If it’s on Spotify or Rdio, you can share it directly with other users or add it to a public playlist. (more)
Four Free Tools For Better Tweeting
Just because you’re not ready to shell out $99 per month to figure out the best times to tweet and post Facebook status updates doesn’t mean you can’t take better control of understanding your social media output.
Indeed, paid Twitter analytics services may offer way more than the average user needs. (more)
Is That Online Dating Profile Real?
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. People, especially Internet users, are either happily coupled up and doing something lovey-dovey, or they’re hunting around on dating sites for their soulmate. Because, you know, true love only happens on the Internet. Unfortunately for some, there’s danger in online dating. (more)
Instagram Gets a Prettier UI and New Features – Prelude to an Android App?
Everyone’s favorite photo filtering and sharing app for iOS got a significant update on Friday afternoon. Version 2.1 of Instagram adds a new filter, a tool for easily enhancing low-lit photos and a redesigned navigation.
Sierra, the latest filter to join the Instagram family, is a white-bordered filter that adds a lightened, low-contrast vintage look to photos. (more)
92% of Google TV Apps Were Pre-Installed, Not Downloaded
Google TV is supposed to be Android’s entrance into your living room, the pioneering cusp of the “smart TV” revolution. It appears that it has been anything but. Since its release last year, only about 4,793,000 Google TV apps have been downloaded, according to Xyologic. While nearly five million downloads may seem like a success, six of those apps come pre-installed on Google TV devices, making up 92% of the ecosystem. Only 352,000 dedicated Android apps for Google TV have been downloaded. (more)
Google+ Gives Users Noise Controls for Popular Posts
Google+ is putting its volume slider on the What’s Hot feature. What on Earth does that mean? It means that Google+ is giving its users fine-grained control over what appears in their main streams.
The volume slider came out in December to let users adjust the prominence of posts from individual circles in their overall streams. (more)
Algorithms, and, more recently, social media sentiment, have been billed as the one-step panacea for all of life’s problems. Tweak the algorithm just right and you get the perfect romantic partner. Read the social media sentiment correctly and you can become rich by predicting the ebb and flow of equities markets.
If only it were that easy. (more)
New YouTube App Is “Big News” for Google TV
Google updated the YouTube app for Google TV yesterday, bringing YouTube’s channel-based redesign to the living room. It also adds a “Discover” tab for browsing new channels and videos to watch. The update also adds performance and navigation improvements. (more)
AppMobi Bets on Monetizing the Mobile HTML5 Apps Ecosystem With playMobi
For many coders, developing an app is a labor of love. Hacking SDKs and APIs and making a beautiful and functional user interface is a challenge that many developers relish. Like everybody else though, developers need to eat. To eat, one needs to make money. Herein lays the problem for many developers trying to put together mobile HTML5 Web apps: there are no simple avenues to monetization. (more)
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