Home Crypto Boy Reviews the Newest Multi-Chain Meme Coin with 100x Potential – Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) Presale

Crypto Boy Reviews the Newest Multi-Chain Meme Coin with 100x Potential – Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) Presale

Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) continues its rally, surpassing the $1.5 mark and positioning itself to surpass other Base chain tokens as the next big meme coin.

This successful presale has convinced investors that this Base chain meme coin is worth buying during the market dip for a potential return of 100x their investment.

The question now is, how far will the presale go, and will its success carry over to the exchanges, causing a surge like other Base meme coins?

Base Dawgz surpasses $1.5 million

Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) emerged just days ago and quickly gained popularity as a meme coin project. Its appeal stems not only from being dog-themed but also from its status as a multi-chain project, similar to the successful Dogeverse that gained prominence in recent months.

Developed on the Base blockchain, as its name suggests, Base Dawgz will expand its reach upon launch by operating concurrently on ETH, SOL, BSC, and AVAX, in addition to its native chain.

The project aims not only to push boundaries but to shatter them, offering seamless interoperability across multiple chains. This initiative aims to unite the crypto industry more closely than ever before.

In its few weeks since launch, Base Dawgz has already raised over $1.5 million in its presale, demonstrating strong interest and positioning itself as a potential competitor to established meme coins like Brett (BRETT) on the Base chain.

Base Dawgz $1.5 Million Raised

Base Dawgz has rapidly gained momentum due to its innovative features and robust presale performance. Early adopters have shown considerable enthusiasm for the project, with tokens priced at $0.00502 during the presale. Potential investors can visit our guide on how to buy Base Dawgz tokens here.

The presale price is set to increase by 5% in the next phase, underscoring the urgency for interested parties to participate at the current rate. For the latest updates, engage with the Base Dawgz community on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.

Base Dawgz: Earn crypto by sharing and multi-chain benefits

Base Dawgz has introduced an innovative Share-to-Earn feature, allowing participants to earn cryptocurrency by sharing DAWGZ-related content on their social media platforms. Whether sharing memes or the latest project updates, participants initially earn airdrop points, which can later be converted into additional $DAWGZ tokens.

In addition, Base Dawgz offers a refer-to-earn program where participants can generate their own referral links from the presale website. They earn a percentage of the investments made through these links during the presale phase.

Token holders of Base Dawgz also have the opportunity to stake their holdings right from the presale stage, enabling them to earn passive income. The staking protocol will be launched on the Ethereum chain, exclusively benefiting investors who purchase the new meme coin using ETH.

Utilizing advanced Web3 tools like Wormhole and Portal bridge, Base Dawgz token holders can seamlessly utilize $DAWGZ’s multi-chain capabilities. They can effortlessly transfer their holdings between different chains with just a few clicks.

The project boasts an ambitious roadmap and has already undergone an audit by an independent auditing firm, providing investors with confidence in their purchase decisions. With a focus on sustainable ecosystem growth, Base Dawgz displays strong potential as a leading meme coin poised to make waves in 2024.

For those seeking the best crypto presales of 2024, dive into our comprehensive guide showcasing the most noteworthy options. To participate in the $DAWGZ token presale, visit basedawgz.com.


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Alvin Hemedez
Crypto Writer

Alvin Hemedez is a cryptocurrency analyst, finding a talent for the technical side of blockchain with his background and degree in Industrial Engineering. Hailing from Los Baños, Calabarzon in the Philippines, Alvin's work experience includes managing the eCommerce side of Shopee PH, Singapore and South East Asia's equivalent of Amazon with a base in the Philippines. Alvin's current news coverage on ReadWrite includes a special focus on emerging projects and new ICOs.

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