Couchio, the corporate sponsor of CouchDB, announces today that it is changing its name to CouchOne and introducing CouchOne Mobile, a mobile app development platform based on CouchDB.

As with many noSQL databases, there’s been an explosion of interest and implementation in CouchDB, and we’ve written recently about a number of organizations and projects using CouchDB, including the large hadron collider scientists at CERN.
The benefits of CouchDB include not only the database’s reliability and ease-of-use but its built-in synchronization and replication. And its the latter that makes it an excellent choice for developing mobile apps that can work even with the Internet connection is slow, spotty, or absent altogether. Furthermore, CouchDB is lightweight and easy on the battery life as data is kept offline.

CouchOne Mobile will allow developers to write apps, scale vertically and share data and applications across the computing platforms and mobile devices they choose. “Based on CouchDB, CouchOne Mobile is way more than a database,” says the new company website. “It’s a full-stack web app deployment environment with a database, a JavaScript interpreter (middleware layer) and a mini web server (web tier) all in one convenient carrying case.”
CouchDB already integrates with Android, and according to Damien Katz, CouchDB creator and CEO of CouchOne, an iPhone version is “in the works.”
CouchCamp takes place from today through September 10, where participants will be able to have a hands-on look at the new mobile development platform.