When Membase and CouchOne merged earlier this year to form Couchbase, the newly formed company promised to release a merged version of the NoSQL database servers the company sponsors: Apache CouchDB and Membase.

Today Couchbase made good on that promise with the release of the first developer preview for Couchbase Server 2.0, which combines the elasticity of Membase with CouchDB’s distributed indexing, bidirectional replication and JavaScript-based map-reduce querying.
The first version of Couchbase Server, released earlier this year, didn’t incorporate features from Membase – instead it rolled up various CouchDB components into a single install. Version 2.0 what we’ve been waiting for since the merger.
Couchbase Server 2.0 also incorporates Memcached, which provides in-memory caching of data for increased speed of both reads and writes. Couchbase Server 2.0 is able to sync with other CouchDB-based servers, including Mobile Couchbase, which runs on Android and iOS.
The combined features include:
- JavaScript-based map-reduce
- Geospatial indexing
- JSON data structures
- Memory caching
- Zero downtime topology changes
- Data distribution across clusters
For more on CouchDB, see our interviews with J. Chris Anderson and Max Ogden.