Managing an online office or virtual team can be tough work. We’ve written extensively about such topics and have recommended the best software for virtual project management. If your team uses the popular project management service Basecamp, then you could be in for a real treat today with the addition of the Periscope Gadget to the iGoogle directory.

Controlling Basecamp From iGoogle
The Periscope Gadget allows users to control multiple Basecamp accounts from their iGoogle homepage. The gadget provides access to Basecamp activity and allows users to add and manage time entries, download files, and more. The design for the Periscope Gadget is simple and effective, with hover-over link effects to keep the interface as simple as possible without leaving out important details. On the downside, the gadget does not allow you to leave comments on an entry nor add/complete “to-do” items. It has been noted that the team behind Periscope is working hard to bring these features to users. The gadget is accessible from iGoogle, Windows desktops with Google Gadgets installed, and the iPhone for easy on-the-go access.

Allowing Access to Basecamp
To allow the Periscope Gadget to access your Basecamp account read the following instructions or watch this screencast:
“1. Login to your own Basecamp account. Your URL will be something like or any of the 5 domains that 37 signals owns (,,,, and you’ll need to use the username and password that you chose when you signed up with them.
2. Click on the Account (Upgrade/Billing) tab.
3. Scroll all the way down on the new page.
4. Close to the bottom is a “Basecamp API” section. Click on the check box that is labelled “I’ve read and agree to the Basecamp terms of service…” — you should actually click on the terms of service and read them.
5. Click on the button that says “Yes, please enable the Basecamp API for this account” — wait a few seconds, and voila! You’re done! Basecamp API access is enabled!”
If you think the Periscope Gadget is worth a try or if you’re already using Periscope in iGoogle, let us know your thoughts on the iGoogle gadget in the comments sections.