While companies may struggle to catch on with social media, the government seems to be taking steps to do the same. We’re surprised they waited this long! According to the latest Qik blog update, both livestreaming and twittering recently took place on the floor of Congress in Capitol Hill. Is this exciting news about the progression of our government or will we regret their involvement in the future?

Qik Streaming with Congress
Qik received a nice share of coverage today from First Congressman John Culberson when he used Qik to interview House Republican lawmakers and gain some insight on the discussion about rising energy costs and gas prices. The livestream was embedded on the CSPAN homepage with plenty of comments and discussions going on in the video’s chat. You can view the video here.
First Congressman John Culberson actually has a nice selection of livestreams from various political personnel. Culberson also has a Twitter account, where he is active with a host of followers and followings. However, the question at hand is whether or not parts of the government tinkering with social media is a good thing. Let us know your thoughts in the comments area!