ReadWriteWeb has 2 tickets to next week’s Web 2.0 Expo to give away, courtesy of Technorati. These are full conference passes, worth $1,895 each, so they will get you into every workshop and conference session. To be in with a chance to win one of these passes, all you have to do is enter a comment below telling us what web 2.0 apps most excite you currently.

You can list just one app, or a bunch. And it can be alpha, beta, or (gasp!) a 1.0 release. We’re just curious what’s new that we haven’t yet discovered 😉 The winning 2 comments will be chosen at random by the RWW editor.
Thanks Technorati for the free passes for 2 lucky RWW readers. Note: if you can’t make it to the conference you can still leave a comment with your fave app(s), but please add a note that you can’t attend – so that we can give the tickets to 2 people who can make it.
The passes include:
– all sessions (Wed – Fri)
– workshops on Tues, April 22
– all keynote and plenary presentations
– the Expo and all events held in the Expo
– all conference networking events
– Web2Open
– Continental Breakfast & Lunch (Tues – Fri)
UPDATE: we’ve had a tremendous response to this competition. The winners have now been announced and the competition is closed. But you can of course continue to leave comments noting your fave web apps! Thanks everyone for participating.