If you aren’t happy with your existing online backup provider and want to switch to one of the 11 different services that NextAdvisor has analyzed, then head on over to their website now and check it out.

In just a few clicks of the mouse you can see which ones offer the best match of features and price.
NextAdvisor provides an interesting array of independent reviews of everything from dating sites to credit cards and VOIP services, the online backup reviews are the latest addition to their lineup.

You answer questions such as how much data do you need to backup, whether it is for Macs or Windows or both, and whether you want the online backup to extend to external drives or not. The information seems fairly accurate on our quick look around the site.
The only drawback is that the comparison is limited to just a few providers. It is missing a few key players such as Trend Micro’s SafeSync and Zmanda.com (for unlimited users and space), among others.