Home CloudGPS Preview on the Nokia N900 (Maemo)

CloudGPS Preview on the Nokia N900 (Maemo)

MeeGo is a discontinued Linux distribution hosted by the Linux Foundation, using source code from the operating systems Moblin and Maemo. During the Meego Conference 2010, one of the developers, Damian Waradzyn has developed a GPS application named CloudGPS. This application had been ported using J2ME, and the Application is using the OpenGL ES for smooth operation.

CloudGPS Preview

This application is said to be one of the smoothest maps for the Nokia N900. The transitions and the animations are very smooth. Here is a video featuring the application.



Much like the latest maps, your current location is shown as a blue dot on the map. The dot turns green when the GPS Connection is established successfully. On the upper-right corner of the application, we can also see the GPS Signal Strength.

Different Map-Providers?

This application allows us to choose the map we want, among its options we have the Google Maps, ‘OpenStreetMap I’ and much more. In addition to showing your location, It can follow your current location on the map. The application runs at 50 frames/minute, which is not bad when the fact that this application was released in the year 2011. The application has a great UI and is widely appreciated in the MeeGo Community. However, Google has since blocked the access to its title servers, and people have modified the app to support the Bing maps.

Touchscreen controls:

  • The Application has a good UI. You can tap zoom in/zoom out buttons to change the zoom level. When you hold shift while touching zoom buttons the zoom level is changed only by a fraction.
  • Tap “my location” button if you want the app to follow you based on your current location.
  • Goggles icon will be used for searching the maps. Compass icon shows current view direction and toggles rotation mode in 2D. Rest of screen is used for kinetic scrolling.
  • In 3D mode and when rotation mode is enabled upper part of the screen is used for changing view direction.

Keyboard controls:

  • Arrows – scroll/rotate the map,
  • Dot -Zoom out,
  • Enter -Zoom in,
  • Space -Toggle “follow me” mode,
  • Q – Quit application,
  • B – Show 3D buildings in near area, will work properly only for zoom 17 and higher,
  • G – Toggle show grid,
  • C – Toggle shows current latitude and longitude.
  • H – Show tile array and visibility range
  • When Shift is pressed zooming behavior is altered.
  • X – Toggle accelerometer usage. The accelerometer is calibrated in the moment it is enabled.
  • N – Switch to next tile provider. See /opt/cloudGPS/providers.ini file.


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Brad Anderson

Brad is the former editor who oversaw contributed content at ReadWrite.com. He previously worked as an editor at PayPal and Crunchbase.

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