Craigslist loves Perl, Amazon wants to help customers use geo-blocking, and if you’re looking for an overview of Hadoop solutions then we’ve got a good link for you.
Geo-Blocking Content With Amazon CloudFront – Geo-targeting has its good and bad side. I’ll let you decide where geo-blocking content falls. If it’s something your company needs to do, though, Amazon has a short post by Nihar Bihani of the CloudFront team on using geo-blocking for content with CloudFront.
Big data market survey: Hadoop solutions – Edd Dumbill has a survey of the leading Hadoop distributions and solutions. Covers Cloudera, EMC Greenplum, Hortonworks, IBM, MapR, Microsoft and Platform Computing.
Node 0.7.1 Released – Another unstable release from the Node.js folks that brings Node up to V8 3.8.8 and has a number of other fixes and improvements.
Craigslist Charitable Fund Donates $100,000 to the Perl Foundation – A few weeks ago, I caught a link to a site that claims Perl is only being used on 1% of the top n-something Web sites. While I’m fairly confident Perl usage is down from its peak in the early 2000s, I’m very skeptical that it’s quite that low. At the very least, though, Craigslist seems pretty interested in the future of Perl – kicking up $100,000 to support the Perl Foundation.
Have a cloud news tip for me? Drop me a note at [email protected] or to @jzb on Twitter.