Digital payments company Circle has just released a Bitcoin mobile app for iOS and Android.
Starting Monday, the app can be used to make payments, send or receive money, and convert money between Bitcoin and USD. The app is only available in the United States right now, but as CEO Jeremy Allaire indicates in the announcement, a global release will follow.
“We’re particularly excited about our Android release… because Android is becoming an important platform for finance on a worldwide basis,” he wrote. “Low-cost Android phones are coming to markets like India, Indonesia, and Africa, where the vast majority of users don’t have bank accounts, and where digital currency services could become a critical new utility.”
See also: What It Will Take For You To Get Bitcoin At The Bank
The cryptocurrency Bitcoin has been both lauded and panned for its pseudonymity, which keeps it from being a realistic currency alternative for those who are not tech savvy. Existing Bitcoin wallets sacrifice convenience for security, and if passwords are lost or forgotten, they can never be recovered. Not ideal for your life’s savings.
Circle’s native app may help to remedy some of these more high-tech edges of Bitcoin. For instance, the app uses multi-factor authentication and app-specific pin codes for easy access. Also, its iOS app will enable the use of password-retainer program 1Password, so people won’t need to remember a password.
You can try out the app for yourself on the Circle site.
Photo by btckeychain