Read/WriteWeb has 1 free ticket to give away for the Under
The Radar Office 2.0 conference, to be held on March 23 at the Microsoft
Campus in Mountain View. More details at the Under
The Radar blog. The free ticket will be presented to the winner of this
caption contest. To enter, simply provide a witty caption for the photo below,
in the comments section to this post.
Also note there is a discount code available for the conference, for R/WW
readers. Click
here for that. Incidentally, I was originally going to be a judge at the event – but I am now unable to make it. However I will be in Silicon Valley from 13 April, if you would like to meet up then.
Here is the photo, which I’m sure will provide many opportunities for being
witty 🙂 Put your suggested caption below, in the comments. Under The Radar and
R/WW will be the judges, with final decision to be made by me. The winner will
be announced late Tuesday afternoon PST.