Interesting little post from Jason Calacanis, who wrote:
“TIRED: Subscribing to Fred’s blog:
WIRED: Subscribing to Fred’s feed:
Note: On Bloglines Fred has 383 subscribers to his blog and 9 to his RSS feed… I prefer to read what Fred is *considering* blogging about 🙂
Question: What’s more interesting to you, a person’s bookmarks or a person’s blog?”
At least one person has said the same thing about my blog and feed, so this isn’t to call out Fred’s blog. In fact I read his blog avidly.
Last night I was IMing with a friend and we talked about my previous post The Second Coming of Content and RSS Feeds. Apparently it put my friend to sleep. I retorted that it is a profound post (I was trying to be witty, but I also believe it). OK the fact of the matter is, it is a post that takes time to absorb and a lot of people would consider it boring. Whereas my links are quick one-liners that are easy to absorb, although they don’t have any depth. Apart from the odd haiku moment perhaps.
Another thing, have you noticed how few people add notes to their feeds? In their new re-design, has added more room for notes. Which is great for people like me, but I wonder why more people don’t add at least one line of comment to their ‘bookmarks’. Maybe because most people consider them actual bookmarks and not a mini-blog. Hmmm.
Ideally I want to insert my links into Read/WriteWeb, as a daily post. I’ve tried the stupidly named and poorly designed “add a new thingy” feature on before, but it wasn’t good enough. How about fixing that up Or what about Feedburner doing it? Or 43Things? Somebody help me add my links to my blog as a daily and chronological post 🙂
Update: here are the things I want…
– a daily digest of my links added to my blog, both on the site and in my main R/WW RSS feed.
– I want to customize the heading of the daily digest (e.g. Richard’s Web 2.0 Links).
– I want to select only certain tags to put in the digest – e.g. in my case I’d select
– I’d like the option of rolling a bunch of different feeds into my daily digest. e.g. web 2.0 tag, a Flickr feed, a 43Things feed.
– I want the daily digest to be inserted into my main R/WW content stream on the site – i.e. chronological and not a separate page or in the gutter block. The whole point here is that I want to integrate various feeds in my main content, chronologically.
So LazyWeb, I invoke thee. Please develop the above. Or maybe I’ll have to do a Jason Kottke and develop it myself. But I don’t really want to muck around with magpierss and all that. Besides, this would be a great feature for a lot of blogs.