The internal (private) chat room for the ReadWriteWeb staff is always buzzing on some nerdy topic or another, and today was not any different. Earlier this morning, as we all chatted about Jon’s post on the recent Chrome update, the discussion led us to do a quick and informal survey of web browser usage.
Of those of us who happened to be in the chat room at that time, all confirmed they were using Chrome (or the Chrome Beta) as their primary browser, including Jared, Marshall, Joe, Dan, Jon and me. Even with most of us choosing Chrome as the primary surfing mechanism, there were still many of us who also used other browsers, like Firefox or Safari, to stay logged in to multiple email accounts or as a dashboard of sorts.
Jon is a big fan of Fluid, and Dan and Abraham both agreed that the app was highly useful. Mobile Safari, due to iOS usage by the team, was also highly used, if not highly rated. Dolphin and Skyfire were suggested by our mobile geeks as possible alternatives.
These nerdy, virtual watercooler discussions happen every day in our ReadWriteWeb chat room and they’re often the impetus of our ReadWriteWeb Big Questions, and today was no different.
What’s your primary browser?
We asked and you answered and we culled your responses from Jon’s original post, Twitter, Google Plus and Facebook and used Storify to present it all back to you. If you have additional responses, please leave them in the comments.