Automattic, the makers of, have introduced VaultPress, a plugin to plug the backup gap.

Users of WordPress’ hosted service have their blogs backed up automatically (so to speak). So if something goes pear-shaped, the content is caught before it hits the ground. However, if you use a self-hosted version of the software you must back up your content yourself, and heaven help you if you forget.
Now, by downloading and installing a simple plugin, self-hosted users will have the same safety net as their hosted counterparts.
Matt Mullenweg, founder of Automattic, announced the plugin on the VaultPress blog.
“Today, this means every bit of content will be safe, from plugins and themes to the smallest comment or post revision, with WordPress-aware, real-time, multi-cloud backups.”
In an email, he said, “In the past two hours we’ve had over 600 beta applications with an average of 9 sites each.”
The product alleges “real-time, continuous monitoring” of your site against dangerous and fraudulent activity. It also automatically updates fixes.
Interested users can sign up for VaultPress in private beta. Automattic plans to charge $15.00 per month for the service.