Apple has released the latest version of its operating system for the iPhone and iPod Touch, iOS 4.1 today. The update was announced last week at Apple’s fall event and brings a number of new features and bug fixes.
While the latest version of iOS offers some nifty features like HDR photos and Apple’s brand new Game Center, those behind the latest jailbreaks warn that updating will cause you to lose your jailbreak.
For those of you with a standard, non-jailbroken phone, update away. The new iOS fixes the proximity sensor bug, which allowed touchscreen input when you were talking on your phone, as well as Bluetooth connectivity issues. It also takes care of iPhone 3G users that updated to iOS 4.0 and found their phones suddenly unusably slow.
As for new features, iOS 4.1 introduces HDR, or “high dynamic range” photos, a new Game Center, the ability to upload HD video of WiFi, and TV show downloads directly from the phone.
That said, those features may not be enough for some of you to give up your jailbroken iPhones. The iPhone Dev-Team has previously noted that it will not be offering a jailbreak for versions after iOS 4.0.1 and today, it calls the latest update a trap. According to the Dev-Team blog, beyond losing your jailbreak, the latest update also includes a baseband update. “There’s currently no way to revert your baseband”, they write, warning that “if you update your baseband you’ll lose the ultrasn0w unlock, possibly forever.”
For those of you on the right side of Apple’s warranty considerations, the update is available within iTunes and should be immediately available the next time you sync your phone.