Home Apple iPhone Air rumored for 2025 with a slimmed-down design – what we know so far

Apple iPhone Air rumored for 2025 with a slimmed-down design – what we know so far

Apple might be set to release a slimmed-down iPhone Air in 2025, according to the latest rumors.

We already know that the iPhone 17 is slated for a 2025 release but now rumors are flying that a major change could be coming to the line-up of iPhone models. Thanks to a video from Front Page Tech’s Jon Prosser, there’s now speculation that Apple is planning to release a slimmer iPhone model, known as the iPhone Air.

This echoes the naming convention of Macbooks, with the Macbook Air being a slimmer, lightweight version of the Macbook Pro. The new model of iPhone would, according to Prosser, not be a top-tier model but rather priced at around $899 for the base model. Although that’s not cheap by any stretch, it’s not as expensive as the top of the line models, such as the iPhone 15 Pro Max and its $1,199 price tag.

What could the iPhone Air be?

There are already some rumors from Prosser about what features the iPhone Air could have, such as a redesigned camera. It’s thought it could be a spiritual successor to the iPhone Plus models, making the larger screen more lightweight and portable. This would be in line with reports that Apple is focusing on AI-powered systems, rather than continuing to increase the size of handsets as in previous years.

Of course, there’s no confirmation that any of these rumors will prove to be true. There are various conflicting reports out there about the exact size of the iPhone Air, as well as conflicting reports from analyst Ming-Chi Kuo that the new model will actually be called the iPhone 17 Slim, rather than Air.

The iPhone 17 series isn’t expected to launch until September 2025, so there’s still well over a year for more rumors to circulate and for Apple to eventually reveal what to expect for the future of iPhones.

Featured image: Unsplash

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Rachael Davies
Tech Journalist

Rachael Davies has spent six years reporting on tech and entertainment, writing for publications like the Evening Standard, Huffington Post, Dazed, and more. From niche topics like the latest gaming mods to consumer-faced guides on the latest tech, she puts her MA in Convergent Journalism to work, following avenues guided by a variety of interests. As well as writing, she also has experience in editing as the UK Editor of The Mary Sue , as well as speaking on the important of SEO in journalism at the Student Press Association National Conference. You can find her full portfolio over on…

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