Home Captain Blood: Apparently, pirates can rise from the dead – a 20-year-old game is back

Captain Blood: Apparently, pirates can rise from the dead – a 20-year-old game is back


  • Age of Pirates: Captain Blood, announced in 2004, faced extensive delays and was presumed dead.
  • Seawolf Studio's new trailer reveals a fall 2024 release on modern platforms, reviving the long-lost game.
  • The game includes fourth-wall-breaking narration, reminiscent of its 2000s origins.

Picture the scene – it’s E3 2004, new games are being announced, and the trailer for Age of Pirates: Captain Blood catches your eye. It looks like a real romp of a game, a pirate brawler with sarcastic vibes. You can imagine the couch co-op fun ahead.

Later in the year, rumors trickle their way down to you that Captain Blood is being delayed by a huge redevelopment effort, and it’s going to be some time before release. Oh well, there is no shortage of other new games to dig into so you put your pirate hat back in the cupboard and wait.

Further rumors percolate and the game is apparently ready for release in 2009 – five years is quite a long time of course, but not unheard of as a lead time for video games. You rub your hands together and get the pirate hat back out of the cupboard.

But the game didn’t come. There was even a new trailer in 2010, giving a release date in 2011 that came and went without a game release.

The game was mired in development issues and legal problems for so long we just collectively forgot about it. If a game announced 10 years ago isn’t out yet, it probably never will be, right?

Fast forward to June 17, 2024. Twenty full years after the initial announcement of Age of Pirates: Captain Blood, more than a decade since it seemed like the game was dead and buried. It has been years since anyone even thought about it. And then, in comes Seawolf Studio with the re-release trailer.

It’s like a time capsule was dug up and inside, perfectly preserved, was a pirate game from the 2000s, complete with fourth-wall-breaking narration.

When will Captain Blood be released?

If the new trailer can be believed – there’s still some skepticism, naturally – we can expect to see Captain Blood finally released to consumers in the fall of 2024. We don’t have a more specific release date than that.

Also according to the trailer, it’s going to release on all modern platforms – PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One & Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and Steam.

Featured image credit: Seawolf Studios/SNEG

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Ali Rees
Tech journalist

Ali Rees is a freelance writer based in the UK. They have worked as a data and analytics consultant, a software tester, and a digital marketing and SEO specialist. They have been a keen gamer and tech enthusiast since their childhood in are currently the Gaming and Tech editor at Brig Newspaper. They also have a Substack where they review short video games. During the pandemic, Ali turned their hand to live streaming and is a fan of Twitch. When not writing, Ali enjoys playing video and board games, live music, and reading. They have two cats and both of…

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