Home Apex Legends’ Final Fantasy 7 event pricing sparks community uproar

Apex Legends’ Final Fantasy 7 event pricing sparks community uproar

In the world of free-to-play games, the balance between offering enticing in-game purchases and maintaining player satisfaction is a delicate one. This balance seems to have been disrupted with the recent Apex Legends x Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth event, where the pricing of new cosmetic items has led to significant community backlash, according to a recent report by CharlieIntel.

The collaboration between Apex Legends and the iconic RPG franchise Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth brought an array of new skins and items, including the Buster Sword R5 as a universal Mythic melee cosmetic and the One-Winged Angel Deathbox. While the collaboration initially generated excitement among players, the enthusiasm quickly turned to frustration upon the revelation of the item prices.

The main point of contention is the cost of obtaining the One-Winged Angel Deathbox, which requires players to collect all 36 items in the event, amounting to a staggering $360. This price tag has been deemed “ridiculous” by many in the Apex Legends community, with prominent X user TheMacroShow criticizing the cost and urging players not to support these practices.

Community reaction

The outrage is palpable across the player base, with many expressing disbelief and disappointment at the pricing strategy. Some players have even drawn comparisons to Fortnite’s collaboration events, noting the more reasonable pricing and authentic character representations in the rival game.

The community’s response highlights a growing concern over the pricing models in free-to-play games, especially in collaborations with beloved franchises. Players are calling for more reasonably priced items that don’t compromise the integrity of the game or exploit their fandom.

The backlash from the Apex Legends x Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth event serves as a critical moment for the game’s developers. It underscores the importance of aligning in-game purchases with player expectations and the potential consequences of overlooking this balance. As the gaming community awaits future collaborations, the hope is that the feedback will lead to more player-friendly pricing strategies, ensuring that the excitement for such events remains untarnished.


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Maxwell Nelson
Tech Journalist

Maxwell Nelson, a seasoned journalist and content strategist, has contributed to industry-leading platforms, weaving complex narratives into insightful articles that resonate with a broad readership.

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