The hacking collective Anonymous has hacked Syria’s Ministry of Defense website according to The Hacker News. An Anonymous logo and a note were left behind. As of this writing, the site is offline.

The Ministry of Defense oversees many of the personnel who have contributed to 1,700 civilian deaths during Syria’s five month-long Arab Spring protests. NPR has a rundown of the types of pressure currently being exerted against the Assad family regime.

The note reads:
“To the Syrian people: The world stands with you against the brutal regime of Bashar Al-Assad. Know that time and history are on your side – tyrants use violence because they have nothing else, and the more violent they are, the more fragile they become. We salute your determination to be non-violent in the face of the regime’s brutality, and admire your willingness to pursue justice, not mere revenge. All tyrants will fall, and thanks to your bravery Bashar Al-Assad is next.
“To the Syrian military: You are responsible for protecting the Syrian people, and anyone who orders you to kill women, children, and the elderly deserves to be tried for treason. No outside enemy could do as much damage to Syria as Bashar Al-Assad has done. Defend your country – rise up against the regime! – Anonymous.”
Of all the regimes to see an Arab Spring movement bloom in its midst, Syria is probably the most murderous. The current strongman’s father killed tens of thousands of civilians in the first Hama Massacre.
Syrian poet and exiled thinker Ammar Abdulhamid previously told me that he doubted the current Assad would be able to match his father, atrocity for atrocity. He believes the immediacy and reach of current communications technologies make massacres more politically costly. That certainly seems to be the case, as both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have recalled their ambassadors – and a prominent web news site is writing about it.