There is often a charged debate between MySQL proponents and those who are increasingly excited about NoSQL.
So, it’s good to see a bit of levity enter the discussion. Every once in a while we need to sit back and not take ourselves too seriously. That seems to be the intention of this video that we found on High Scalability.
Just be forewarned – this is NSFW. The video may be a bit harsh for some. The language is a tad off color. If that is an issue, we’d suggest you pass on this one. Still, the creator did a decent job of framing the debate between a software engineer and a Web programmer. The engineer has just finished a site that uses MySQL. The programmer asks why he did not use MongoDB.
(Video not displaying? Here’s a link.)
The debate lives on in the blogopshere. We found a more reasoned look at the discussion on Rick Ho’s blog. He gives a more balanced view:
“Most of the debate is centered around the transaction processing model itself. Basically RDBMS proponents thinks NOSQL camp hasn’t spent enough time to understand the theoretical foundation of the transaction processing model. The new “eventual consistency” model is not well-defined and different implementations may differs significantly with each other. This means figuring out all these inconsistent behavior lands on the application developer’s responsibilities and make their life much harder. Hard to reason about the DB’s behavior can be very dangerous if the application made wrong assumption about the underlying data integrity guarantees.”
Are you a MySQL diehard or a NoSQL fanboi? What’s your take on the debate?