At Google Atmosphere last month, Google Apps President David Girouard said that the company gets lots of requests to open more apps from the Google portfolio.

Google responded to those requests today and later this Fall will make available all Google services for Google Apps customers. No date was set. The apps include Blogger, Google Reader, Google News and others.

Historically, this has not been a simple task. Google Apps customers would have to work through a different account to use apps such as Blogger. That changes with this update.
In a post today on the Google Enterprise blog:
“For example, coworkers will be able to publish their organization’s blog on Blogger, share project images with Picasa Web Albums, track industry news in Google Reader, advertise online with AdWords and much more, all without switching back and forth between multiple accounts. While these additional applications won’t initially be covered by the core suite’s support and service level agreement, this change will open up the spectrum of Google’s functionality to businesses, schools and organizations using Google Apps and we’ll evaluate future support options.”
Google states the underlying systems will need to go through a significant overhaul. It will require IT Admins to have fill control over what can be accessed.
Google will be working with Google Apps admins to so they may plan ahead on which apps are available to their user base.