Home Adobe Feeds Apollo Ecosystem With New Internet Video Player

Adobe Feeds Apollo Ecosystem With New Internet Video Player

Today Adobe announced the launch of the Adobe Media Player, a desktop app that enables consumers to view high quality video whether they are online or offline. It is also designed for content owners to distribute, track and monetize their video. Built on their Apollo framework, the Adobe Media Player is cross-platform and based on open standards. The Adobe Media Player leverages other Adobe tools such as the Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Flash CS3 Professional, Adobe Flash Media Server 2, and the Adobe Media Encoder. For the end user, the video player can be used to create media channels via RSS, as well as for video downloads and streaming. Adobe is previewing the player at the National Association of Broadcasters trade show today and it will be available in the Fall of 2007.

More importantly from Adobe‚Äôs strategic plan, this is an attempt from Adobe to feed the ecosystem around Apollo and make end users more comfortable and knowledgeable about Apollo‚Äôs capabilities. Their path to success relies on developing and encouraging the development of compelling applications that add value to the average consumer. Additionally, this offering adds tremendous value to content owners – through various tools which include:


Adobe gives content owners advanced tools to learn more about the ways that end users consume their media. It is all permission based via cookies, but I think Adobe is counting on a majority of the people enabling this feature. Most probably won’t be aware of the implications of enabling the cookies. The key innovation here is that it will track the media consumption both online and offline.

Content protection

Adobe offers streaming encryption, content integrity and identity based protection. This will make content publishers happy, because they’ll have innovative tools that will allow them to build a legitimate business and not feel that their content is stolen. This is great for the small video producers of the world, who don’t want to spend a lot of money protecting their content.

More enhanced montetization

Adobe gives content owners more flexible options over advertising and monetizing the media. Adobe Media Player heavily leverages RSS – content owners can feed ads via RSS and overlay ads or branding in many different ways. In seeing a demo, I saw a couple of ads that appeared. I was surprised at how non-intrusive they were and how it didn‚Äôt disturb the flow of my video experience.


One of the cool things I was able to see was a great deal of skins and customization that gave publishers an opportunity to really enhance their brand equity. Going from channel to channel, the level of detail and difference between the channels was impressive.


Adobe is getting into the Desktop Media Player business, which means they are competing with Microsoft’s Windows Media Player directly. It is also a major opportunity for Adobe to feed the Apollo ecosystem and show people the limitations of traditional desktop software.

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