Here are some of the highlights from the Read/WriteWeb Network over the past few days:
AltSearchEngine’s List of Charity Search Engines: Charles has compiled a very useful list of charity search engines. He concluded that while none of the search engines on the list rated a perfect 5 star rating, several were Äúvery goodÄ? – namely GoodTree, GoodSearch, CharityCafe, and EveryClick (U.K. only). Also, with just one exception (SearchGive), they all use a Major search engine to power their results, so you should get good search results.
last100’s Internet streaming: five U.S. television networks compared explores how major U.S. television networks continue to embrace Internet technology and put their shows on the Web for online viewing. However – writes last100’s Daniel Langendorf – their online offerings remain sporadic and their Internet strategies feel like Äúwe have toÄ? rather than Äúwe want toÄ?. Social Network for Food Lovers – R/WW’s Josh Catone checks out, a social network built about users sharing and discussing recipes. Though it supports text/photo recipes, the site really emphasizes videos. For example, click through to check out the video from rising star, member LizzieMarieCuisine.