Last month we asked, “What are your top three features for virtualization solutions?” The incentive? An Apple MacBook Air to the commenter with the best response. We’ve got more where that came from, too.
You answered, and we had Erica Brescia of BitRock do the judging. We got a bunch of great responses, but only one person could win – and that was Michael Schade. Schade’s picks for top three features? Policies, preconfigured images, and a robust API. (He had more to say, of course – head over to the post and check it out!)
Congrats to Schade on the big win for August. Now who’s going to win the first MacBook Air for September? We’re giving away another MacBook Air to the best response to this question, “What suggestions do you have for implementing Big Data sorts of projects using virtualization?“
You have until September 15 to answer the question, so don’t delay. Judging this contest is Edward L. Haletky, CEO of the Virtualization Practice. Be sure to check out the read the rules, and then get to commenting! All you need is a Disqus account to participate.