It’s deal time again! This time, we’ve got the HP Chromebook x2 and a printer of all things 🙂 Let us start off with: what is the HP Chromebook x2? for those who don’t know already. The HP Chromebook x2 is a 12.3-inch laptop that’s really a detachable tablet as well. Unlike the earlier Chromebook x360, which merely flips the keyboard behind the screen, you can actually leave the keyboard behind with Chromebook x2. However, the folding option is still there if you want it. The HP Chromebook x2 also supports stylus input. Sounds nice right?
Carrying on, before the Chromebook was selling for the price of $599 which is a reasonable chunk of change. But now, it’s selling for $80 less, $519. Not only do we have this pretty cool deal, there’s also an offer where you can purchase the HP Deskjet All-in-one printer (that’s worth $70) for only $19.99. This offer isn’t just for the HP Chromebook x2 but for any computer. Isn’t that great?
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