I’ve joined the 9rules Network, a community of high quality weblogs and websites. Here’s the announcement from Paul Scrivens, 9rules’ inspirational CEO. The 9rules Network is very similar to what I described as my ideal blog network a few weeks ago: “a group of niche bloggers, each with their own unique look n’ feel but collectively part of a branded network of like minds.” In fact that was what attracted the attention of 9rules to my blog in the first place.
Here’s how it works. I keep 100% ownership and control of my blog, which is very important to me. But I get to join a community of quality websites, which has opportunities for network advertising. It also gives my blog wider coverage, especially in the design community. Best of all, the network members help each other out – e.g. I could use some design help and in return I’m happy to give writing advice and tips.
The 9rules community is very strong in web design – there are a lot of beautifully designed websites in the network. I’m hoping to learn a lot from the community in that respect, because to be frank my blog design looks plain in comparison. On the other hand, I pride myself on writing top quality and original content on the topic of Web Technology. So I hope that my content inspires others and that I introduce some of the 9rules community to my niche interests (Web 2.0, Social Media). I think there’ll be a lot of quid pro quo.