Anyone who has been a marketer for a while now knows that SEO is an ever-changing field and what works today might not be the solution one year down the line. However, throughout all changes in the SEO field, the one thing that remains constant is content. Here are five SEO writing tools for optimizing your content.
Content and search engine optimization go hand in hand because people use search engines to find content that meets them at their points of need.
When you’re creating content, you should focus on how well you’re conveying the message to your audience. Another thing to make sure of is that your content is actually easy to find. You cannot achieve the outcome you desire if your target audience has a hard time finding your website.
As a content creator or blogger, ensure that your content offers value to the audience as well. No one wants to read irrelevant content no matter how readily available it is. Take your time to research your audience and ensure you write on topics they’re interested in.
To top it off, your article should be SEO-friendly. Friendly means it gives Google and other search engines an easy time. You should understand that there is a very big difference between creating relevant content for your audience, and optimizing your articles for SEO.
A search engine complaint article is one that can be ranked on the first page of Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). After all, when you rank high, you have an easy time reaching your audience. This guide will look at everything you need to know about SEO and content creation.
Understanding the Meaning of SEO-Friendly Content
Before you can write impressive content that is optimized for SEO, you first need to understand the meaning of SEO-friendly content. We’ve already established that creating such content gives search engines an easy time in ranking your website.
Ranking means that search engines can easily locate, interpret information from your website. Search engines have algorithms that help them decide the chronological order in the content ranking.
When your article checks more boxes based on the algorithms, you rank higher and vice versa.
Optimizing content for search engines is not a complex endeavor as many might assume. All you have to do is ensure your articles meet your target audience at their point of need. Search engines rank articles based on how well they address the issues readers are trying to solve.
Google will first establish how important your site is, and then estimate your website authority based on how made sites have linked back to you. On the internet, links work the same way as ballots during elections. The more sites that link back to you, the more authority your site has.
Finding Interesting and Effective Topics to Write About
People with no blogs might think that finding something to write about is as easy as picking a card at a Tarot reader’s place. Well, it’s not as easy, especially when you’ve been blogging for a while.
Since there are so many blogs today talking about the same thing, you might find yourself repeating something that another blogger had addressed. Blogging is like a comedy scene; you can reuse a joke. Just make sure that you recreate it and make it more interesting.
You should strive to have a list of significant topics to write about so you’re consistent in uploading blogs on your site. Remember that frequency matters in keeping your blog relevant and having a solid online presence.
Here are useful ways to help you come up with ideal topics to discuss;
- Use of keywords
- Address trending topics
- Make use of blog topic generators
- Rewriting old blog posts
Search Engine Optimization Tools
Well, to create SEO-friendly content, you need to arm yourself with the right tools. With such tools, you can succeed in getting your business on the map without spending too much money on marketing. Be sure and read all of the reviews on these options.
Google Search Console
If you’ve been wondering how to increase traffic to your website, you should know that you’re not alone. Many website owners have gotten to a point where getting traffic is pretty much a pipe dream.
Most bloggers think that those who have traffic achieved it from months and months of hustling when the reality is there are tools designed to get you traffic. Many do not believe they have when they need to get traffic at the tip of their fingertips.
This magic wand I’m talking about is Google Search Console (GSC). It is a completely free resource that used to be called Google Webmaster Tools. If you find that name familiar, then you won’t have a hard time using GSC.
It is a mega-powerful tool that’s considered one of Google’s gems. Even though it’s not as popular as Google Analytics, I can guarantee that it packs a punch.
Besides, one of the tools GSC offers is called Search Analytics and you can use it to get more traffic on your site.
This is a tool that helps bloggers track the progress of their sites. It is an innovative tool that ensures you don’t sit back when your blog is going on a downward spiral.
As a blogger, you need to track your progress to see what you’re doing right or wrong. As you know, marketing is a continuous process because bloggers should strive to be better than they were yesterday.
GSC is a one-stop-shop for all the tools you need to keep your website on the map. When you sign up for Search Console, you get to see how Google views your site. This allows you to optimize your performance and maintain your site’s presence on Google’s search results.
As a site owner, this is a must-have resource because it allows you to see what needs tweaking and improving. Signing up gives Google an easy time when accessing your content and you can easily restrict the content you want to appear on search results.
GSC also has features to help you sort out malware issues to keep your site clean and secure. That’s to say with this application, you can get the answers to these essential questions;
- Which search queries allowed your site to appear on search results
- How much traffic did you get from each search query?
- What aspect of your business is highlighted in rich search results?
- Which sites are linking back to your site?
- Is your mobile site performing as well as your website?
The biggest advantage of using GSC is that it is a suite of tools that you need to keep up with your site’s performance. The Search Analytics tool is the most important because it gives you a report on how often your site appears on SERPs.
It also categorizes data related to your site so you have an easy time tracking your progress. You also get to find out where your traffic is coming from and this is valuable data. You can use these insights to create relevant content and keep your audience coming back for more.
2. Hemingway App
The Hemingway app that’s mainly designed to help you boost the readability of your blog posts. Before you publish an article on your site, run it through this application to ensure it is readable and that it doesn’t have grammatical errors.
An application made to work for many content creators. It is a rigorous editor that leaves no stone unturned. The app highlights all sentences that you need to work on and an explanation of what needs to be done.
It even comes with a score reading and tells you how well you’re doing. The higher the score, the more work your article needs. With just a few adjustments, you achieve the kind of article that will get your audience reading all the way to the end.
Ideally, you should strive for a reading score of 8 or 9. As a technical writer, you need this application because you don’t want to post something that people won’t understand. Hemingway app helps you break down your sentences and makes them simple and easy to digest.
Readability plays a huge role in how much traffic your website will get. You should avoid using long and convoluted sentences because it discourages your audience from reading. You can achieve articles presented in bite-size chunks for better consumption.
Aside from boosting your readability, Hemingway app also helps you edit your article based on all grammatical perimeters. As you know, writing without editing is like building a house without walls. Anyone who is serious about writing will ensure their article is properly edited before they publish it.
If your reading audience keeps correcting your sentences as they read your article, they’ll not take you seriously. The quality of your blog posts is the perimeter that prospects use to determine your overall professionalism. If you’re offering goods and services as well, they will shy away from transacting with you.
Hemingway app comes with a user-friendly interface to make editing easy for you. You can either create within the app or paste your work here. You’ll get highlights in different colors and a reading score to show you the quality of your article.
You can then get down to making the necessary changes until you get your ideal score. The thing about this tool is that the more you use it, the better you will get at creating content. Soon you won’t need Hemingway to write a highly readable article.
3. WriteWords
WriteWords Editorial is a service that helps you tell your story the best way possible. This service offers a variety of tools that aim to better your communication. You can easily target your audience and ensure every blog post you upload is relatable and engaging.
The WriteWords app is a service suitable for website owners with a well-established brand. When you leave the writing to the professionals, you get to focus on the core responsibilities of running a blog. The experts will work with your rough ideas to deliver succinct articles that hit the nail on the head.
You need to work with a team that has an easy time figuring out what you want to say. As you know, it’s very important that you maintain your brand voice throughout all your blog posts. Everything you publish should be in line with what you stand for.
Professional writers with years of experience will accurately reflect the message you’d like to put across.
The forum is for writers that allows for interaction and learning from each other. Talking to fellow writers allows you to learn about new hacks to better position your articles to rank high on SERPs.
The platform gives you the opportunity to learn from experts who’ve been blogging for years. You can learn how other bloggers achieve professional and authoritative articles.
4. BuzzSumo
BuzzSumo is the tool that will take your marketing strategy to the next level. This is a must-have tool for modern-day marketers because it gives you insights on how to strategically push your content through the clutter and position it in front of your target audience.
As you know, there are so many blogs out there talking about the same things day in day out. If you want Google and other search engines to rank you, you need to stand out from the crowd.
With BuzzSumo, you get intel on the ideal topics to write about. It’s not always easy to determine the best course of action if you don’t have a tool that helps you with the decision-making process. This tool helps you prioritize which topics are most important so you don’t waste time writing an article that people won’t bother to read.
Even though this tool won’t make things magically happen, it will arm you with the information you need to turn things around. With BuzzSumo, you’ll be smarter because you’ll be channeling your efforts in the right direction.
If you need to know what is trending, Buzzsumo has got your back. This is an application that helps you determine the marketability of a topic you want to write on. You’ll know trending topics at any given time and which ones will work in your favor.
Writing about the right topic and the right time is the key to increasing traffic to your site. It gives you the upper hand and search engines will rank you high for it.
5. Buffer Publish
Buffer Publish helps monitor the performance of your website. It is a tool that keeps track of the activity on your site.
You can also use it to plan your publications to maintain frequency. Remember that you can use this on your PC, as well as on your mobile device. It’s compatible with both Android and iOS devices.
You get to publish articles whenever you want, as well as plan for social media comments. Basically, Buffer Publish accords you more control over your website and social media pages.
It takes a lot of effort to keep your blog ranking high on SERPs. Make sure that you use the appropriate tools to track the progress of your blog and find relevant topics to write on.
Remember that Google and other search engines prioritize articles that meet people at their point of need. As a blogger, you should strive to offer your audience value.