Due to the Ed traveling end of last week, we didn’t announce any Comment of the Day winners. To catch up, we’ve selected 3 random commenters to win: Frandall, YItna Firdyiwek, Jez.

Congratulations to those 3 people, you’ve each won a $30 Amazon voucher – courtesy of our competition sponsors AdaptiveBlue and their Netflix Queue Widget.
A reminder about how this daily competition works… until at least the end of March we are giving away one $30 Amazon gift voucher every day for the best daily comment. Here’s how it works:
1. To “enter”, all you need to do is write a comment on a ReadWriteWeb post (you’ll need a valid email address, but that won’t be published). Alternatively you can leave a trackback instead of a comment, if you prefer to extend the conversation that way. We will consider both comments and trackbacks for the daily prize.
2. At the end of each day, the RWW team will select the best comment of the day — and we’ll email that person a US$30 Amazon gift voucher (this will be done in weekly batches).
3. Not only will the best daily comment win a prize, but (in a further effort to extend the conversation), we’ll publish it as a separate new post on ReadWriteWeb. So you’ll enhance your profile too.
The criteria that the RWW team will use to judge the best daily comment is subjective and flexible. But we’ll be looking for characteristics such as: insightful, topical, witty, furthering the conversation.