In this article, we will share six LinkedIn algorithm tips and insights and 11 actionable content tips. You can start following these tips on LinkedIn today to gain maximum engagement and opportunities. If you have a B2B company whose budget is meager and you are looking for all the possibilities to promote it on Linkedin?
We’re going to start with some algorithm tips first because algorithm tips are super important. They affect the total reach that you can have with your LinkedIn post.
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Why is this algorithm so important?
LinkedIn has an algorithm that determines what kind of posts you want to see. It will make sure that you only see posts that are interesting for you. So we want to make sure that the algorithm identifies our post as enjoyable to be shown to way more people.
LinkedIn Algorithm Tips and Insights
[1.TIP] personal connections
The first tip, you should have a lot of personal connections on LinkedIn because whenever you post anything on LinkedIn, it will be visible to your contacts first.
If these people start engaging with your content, their network will get notified, and if they start engaging, they will notify their network. So, therefore, the bigger your first-degree network, the bigger the potential of reaching many people on LinkedIn, so that’s a crucial one.
[2.TIP] Interest Relevance
You will see the posts of those people with whom you are not connected, nor have you ever interacted with them. This is because you may have used such hashtags or have been part of Linkedin groups. Based on your specific interests, LinkedIn shows you posts that you are interested in seeing.
[3.TIP] Engagement Probability
LinkedIn will try to put posts in your feed based on things you have liked in the past as comments and likes, where it thinks you’re most likely to engage. So also interesting to think about the LinkedIn algorithm based on the actions you did in the past.
[4.TIP] The First 30-60 Minutes of Your Content
When you publish any content on Linkedin, it will be shown to your connection in the first 30 to 60 minutes. Based on this 30 to 60 minutes, LinkedIn will ensure that this content is eligible to be shown to thousands or just a handful of people.
How does this LinkedIn algorithm work in these first 60 Minutes?
# Linkedin Analyzing
Linkedin will first analyze based on a few simple things like do you use offensive words in content or use something that LinkedIn doesn’t want to push you there?
It’s just raw mechanical analytics that they do to determine whether we will show this to people. So if you’re not using offensive languages or things not allowed on LinkedIn, don’t worry about that one.
# Test Drive Your Content
Linkedin will drive your content. If the material is not good, Linkedin will stop this content from sharing with more people and show it to fewer people.
# How Will Those People Engage?
It will show it to some people and see how well they engage with this content. If you get many comments and likes, the algorithm will say okay, which is nice. We will start showing it to more people.
If in these first minutes, then LinkedIn will stop pushing it in the feed, not a lot of people will see it. So after these 30-60 minutes, they will analyze how did your post do?
Did a lot of people like it? Did a lot of people comment on it? Or did you get some negative signals?
For example, did people hide your post? Did people flag your post?
And the moment a “hide” happens, it limits your reach. So these first 30 to 60 Minutes are critical. If at some point you reach thousands of people that are liking and commenting on your post.
Yeah, you have a post that has the potential to go viral, and then also human editors will come in. They will analyze your post and see what is happening. Why is this going well?
If you’re gaming the system doing things that are not legit, LinkedIn will stop it. However, immediately your reach is discontinued and will not be shown to more people.
If you’re doing good things, then they will start pushing the content to even more people.
So these are the four stages that your LinkedIn post goes through to get these things and to know that these first 30 minutes are super important.
[5.TIP] Post on the Right Time
It’s essential to post on a moment where you know that you will get the maximum engagement and those first 30 to 60 minutes. So think about the moment that your audience might be online, the moments that they might check LinkedIn and might engage with your content.
They did some research, and in this blog post, they tell you the best moments to post on LinkedIn — try a quarter to eight, quarter to eleven, quarter to one, and a quarter to six. These can be magical times for your posting.
For me, my best moment to push content on LinkedIn is around noon between 12 and 1. This is just because of my personal experiences.
This is how my network reacts. So I would take these numbers that you see online with a grain of salt test and drive them with your audience.
See what works for your numbers would suggest that for B2B brands, Wednesday would be the best solution, followed by Tuesday. For B2C Brands, they would say Monday and Wednesday.
But again, please test this yourself; check — and ask yourself, “How does my audience resonate with my content?”
When is the best moment for me to push this content on LinkedIn?
[6.TIP] Don’t include links in your posts
The sixth tip is super important and is an early mistake because people include external links in their content. Whenever you create content on LinkedIn, never have a link to your blog or website in it.
Linkedin wants to be a content platform; they want you to produce content on the platform. However, the LinkedIn algorithm hates external website links, so it does not want you to go to another platform through a link.
If you want to do this, you can first place a link in the comment, and then people will see and click. But please do not share the link in a regular LinkedIn post. Those were my tips, my very simple tips to increase the way you post on LinkedIn if you’re thinking about the LinkedIn algorithm. If you’re already doing these things, you will see you will have an increase in reach.
11 Linkedin Posting Tips to Get Maximum Engagement on Linkedin
All these 11 tips you see here are things that we tested out with our Axis Web Art team.
1. Write in a Conversational Rhythm and Tone
Nobody likes boring content, so always try to write in a conversational rhythm and accent. For example, I have often seen people write on LinkedIn like a very business. But people don’t like this kind of content, and it doesn’t work very well on LinkedIn.
So it is better that you create a material with which people like to connect. Try to create a dialogue in your content, keep that interactive tone in your writing, and understand the harmony between long and short sentences.
2. Use Simple Words
You do not need to be cute and clever when creating your content; use simple words. You should try to be clear and straightforward. Write content as if a ten-year-old would be able to understand it.
It’s essential to use these simple words. Make it super easy for your reader to follow along and understand the things that you’re saying.
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3. Use The Power of White Space
If you want to post a lot of content on LinkedIn and you will put all these sentences underneath each other. It will feel like a hefty chunk of text. So what you want is that between each sentence, you will put some white space.
Press the enter button two times on your keyboard. Include some white space in there. That makes it a lot easier for your reader to read it; though it feels lighter and definitely on mobile, it will make a huge difference.
This white space can also increase your users’ desire to read, so it is imperative to use white space to improve readability.
4. Start With An Attention Grabber
When you want to write a successful LinkedIn post, always start with an attention grabber. Because if you ride a long post, only the first two sentences will be shown, then there will be the read more button.
If you cannot get your audience’s attention in the first two sentences, people will not read the post that you are writing. And they will scroll to the next Linkedin post.
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So make sure that you have something that grabs the attention, that they are super interested and that they want to read the rest of the post.
5. Use Emojis For a Fluent Reading Experience
Use emojis for a fluent reading experience. So we use it in two different ways. One in our attention grabber at the end, we include an emoji.
Why is this?
If people scroll through their feed and see an Emoji, they might stop for half a second to read the first two sentences. Then, if they think it’s interesting, press the read more button and read our entire post. So that’s something that works for us.
The other way we use it is to use it as a clever way of bringing some extra structure within your LinkedIn post. For example, if I use lists (like five things). I will put a finger emoji that points to this find different things to add some extra structure within my LinkedIn post.
6. Give Away Stuff on Linkedin
We often leave stuff on LinkedIn, and if anyone wants to get it, they need to put a comment at the bottom of my post. This strategy works very well because if you miss the beginning of this article, we have talked about the algorithm that explains the importance of these 30-60 minutes.
If you adopt this marketing strategy, then people are going to respond in the comments. Because only if they put something in the comments will they get the lead magnets you have for them. The algorithm identifies this post as something super valuable, and you will keep on ranking; you will keep on being displayed within the feed.
7. Related Hashtags and Tag
Use related hashtags and tag people to increase engagement. For example, if people are signing up for LinkedIn now, they will be asked to select a few hashtags. As a result, people are posting content within these hashtags.
Now, whenever you post content within these hashtags, people who are already posting content within this hashtag, or will in the future, will get a notification, and it will also show up within their feed.
So these hashtags allow you to reach people you’re not yet connected with, and at this point, I don’t think LinkedIn got the maximum potential they have for hashtags yet. But I think the hashtags in the second half of 2021 and 2022 will play a bigger role than today.
8. Get Personal
People on LinkedIn are also just people, and people like people. So be personal; try to talk about stories that revolve around yourself. Try to talk about personal things.
Don’t always try to be a brand that no one can relate to, be that guy they can relate to. Share personal experience and be human on LinkedIn.
9. Plant Your Seeds
It is essential to connect with influential people and to connect with the people you see on Linkedin. And in the beginning, you will not get clients out of it. But connecting with those will allow you to make a relationship with them.
To make sure that they see what you’re posting. You’re seeing what they’re posting and start engaging with their content. Start commenting on their posts, liking their posts, engaging with them. And you will see the seeds you are planting now; they will be good trees in a few years, so invest in them.
10. Learn How to Tell a Story on Linkedin
People love to read stories. They hate self-promotion.
So if you want to be a thoughtful leader and include some exciting things on LinkedIn, if you know that people will read, then writing a story is a skill you need to master.
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And there are only five simple steps that you need to follow to write a story using the Hero’s Journey Framework. If you do social media jobs or want to learn SEO techniques, writing a story is an important part.
- 1st. Phase:- Test Phase
Here you talk about a particular challenge, the problem that your hero has.
- 2nd. Phase:- Identify the problem
You will identify the problem, such as what issues have brought the challenge. How did it affect your life and your business?
- 3rd. Phase:- Guidance Phase
It’s the phase where your hero meets his guide. How did he realize he had this problem? How did he realize that he needed help? Who helped him? What was the reason that he could now find help? And we’ll talk about that magical moment, the moment when he met his guide.
- 4th. Phase:- Solution Phase
In this phase, he will solve his problem. The problem is now resolved. What does it look like right now? What does the solution look like? How did it affect the business?
- 5th. Phase:- Life Experience
Now your life has changed, and you have become a different personality. You have become stronger and more capable than before. So at the end of this post, you will talk about your own experiences. You will talk about what happened and how other people can do this same transformation to be where you are right now.
This simple thing is a framework that’s also being used in many movies, a lot in TV series, but it works. People love stories. So use this simple framework to write successful LinkedIn posts, and you will be amazed at the power of storytelling.
11. Try to Ask For Engagement
In the end, you can ask like: Okay, if you like this post, let me know, or I now share 10 tips. What would tip number 11 be? Then, ask for people to engage in your content, and they might do so. So this might be the easiest thing, but it might make a world of difference in engagement rates on your LinkedIn post.