Docstoc, which demoed at the TechCrunch40 last month, is offering 1000 private beta invites to Read/WriteWeb readers. Docstoc is aiming to be the YouTube or Flickr of professional documents, by allowing users to upload and share (via an embeddable flash widget) professional documents.
Docstoc has been in private beta and approaching official launch, but they were kind enough to give 1000 Read/WriteWeb readers a chance to preview the service early. Just navigate to and enter “RWW” (without the quotes) as the invite code to claim your invite. These are released on a first come, first serve basis.
A video introducing Docstoc to Read/WriteWeb readers (you!) is embedded below.
Remember, go to and enter “RWW” (without the quotes) as the invite code to check out Docstoc. Let us know what you think of it.