Home Xbox 360 store sees huge discounts on 60 games, here are our 4 favorites

Xbox 360 store sees huge discounts on 60 games, here are our 4 favorites

Ahead of the planned shutdown of the Xbox 360 store, around 60 titles are deeply discounted, with over 50 games at 80% or more off.

On July 29, 2024, the Xbox 360 Marketplace will shut down. It has been a source of games for users of the console for nearly 19 years. It will no longer be possible to purchase new games, DLC, or anything else that requires the marketplace.

If you’re still an Xbox 360 gamer, this is a fantastic opportunity to fill out your library for a fraction of the price it would normally cost, and to make sure you have plenty of games to keep you going after the marketplace closes its digital doors in July.

The full list of games and discounts can be found on Microsoft’s website, but here are the must-not-miss games you should grab before they go.

Thief (2014)

  • Discount: -85%
  • Price now: $2.24
  • Take charge of master thief Garret as he prowls his way through The City, stealing whatever isn’t nailed down (and some things that are). You’ll soon find yourself entangled in an uprising that threatens to tear the city apart and you must use all the tools and tricks of your trade to find a lasting peace. While it may not have seen the same critical acclaim as other games in the series, Thief (2014) is still a fun and engaging stealth action game worth your time.

The Escapists

  • Discount: -85%
  • Price now: $2.99
  • Gather your equipment, recruit your crew, and plan the perfect escape. The Escapists is a simulation game where you have to break out of prison. How you do it is up to you, and there are hundreds of options open to you. But don’t make it too obvious and tip off the guards. Play it cool. Pick your moment, and escape.

Far Cry 4

  • Discount: -80%
  • Price now: $5.99
  • Survive in the dangerous Kyrat, a region of the Himalayas under the thumb of a capricious warlord dictator. Explore a luscious open world, experience the myriad weapon options to find your favorite, and battle your way through enemy soldiers, and dangerous wildlife alike. Dive into as many side quests as you like, or follow the main quest through to its epic conclusion – this open-world exploration-driven RPG lets you play your own way.

Tomb Raider (2013) & Rise of the Tomb Raider

  • Discount: -75% / – 80%
  • Price now: $4.99 / $7.99
  • Okay, I am cramming two entries into one here, but if you think you’ll enjoy one of these, you should grab them both. Follow the legendary Lara Croft as she rises (see what I did there) from a frightened and unsure young woman into the epic explorer and survivor she becomes. Explore deadly tombs and discover ancient treasures in these unmissable action-adventure games.

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Ali Rees
Tech journalist

Ali Rees is a freelance writer based in the UK. They have worked as a data and analytics consultant, a software tester, and a digital marketing and SEO specialist. They have been a keen gamer and tech enthusiast since their childhood in are currently the Gaming and Tech editor at Brig Newspaper. They also have a Substack where they review short video games. During the pandemic, Ali turned their hand to live streaming and is a fan of Twitch. When not writing, Ali enjoys playing video and board games, live music, and reading. They have two cats and both of…

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