I’m happy to announce Xbmcremote, the application for your Maemo phone that puts you in control of your XBMC. You can browse the library, create playlists and view/control the currently played media.
No need to turn on your TV any more if you just want to listen to music.
Xbmcremote is available for Maemo 5 and Maemo 6. There are different themes for N900 and N9/N950. Of course you can also use it from your desktop PC or laptop. Since it is scalable in size and optimized for touch input, it is perfectly suited also for tablets. Requirement is the availability of Qt 4.7 or greater.
Currently supported features:
– Browse Audio/Video Library/Filesystem
– Play Audio/Video
– Add/Remove songs/videos to/from playlist
– Key input (Left, Right, OK, Back etc.)
– Play/Pause, Skip, Fast Forward/Backward
– Volume (allows you to define custom commands if you have an external amplifier that cannot controlled directly through xbmc).
– Automatically lowers volume during calls.
Xbmcremote uses features of Xbmc which are not yet avaialble in the current stable release. Because of this you need current git-master. Nightly builds can be downloaded from here: http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/
The most recent package for Nokia N900 can be found in the maemo-extras-devel repository.
A package for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan can be downloaded from here: http://follefuder.org/xbmcremote/xbm…tan0_armel.deb (md5: de027c916583334eaf6993f15ff9c75b)
The source code repostiroy can be found here: https://gitorious.org/xbmcremote
Please let me know if you compile it successfully for any other platform or need some help in doing that.
Also don’t hesitate to contact me if you have feedback or troubles getting it to work.
If you like Xbmcremote, please vote for it at the MeeGo coding competition or donate a little using the about dialogs button.
Enjoy and let me know how you like it!
Source Maemo.Org