Samsung Z1 users wake this morning to some excellent news as the WhatsApp voice calling Beta goes LIVE. This was one of the most requested software features on the Z1 so it’s brilliant to see it becoming available. Samsung Z3 users are expected to receive the update from Monday (15 Feb) following the roll out of a required software update BPBx. In order to get the Z1 beta you must be running at least Tizen 2.4 CPB1 and have registered for the Beta program.
You will be able to download the WhatsApp Beta to your Z1 by clicking on a weblink that will be enabled for your Tizen Community account 1-day after registration, taking you to WhatsApp BETA version Once you have Installed you will not be able to revert back to the older version, instead needing to wait for a newer whatsapp official version to be released.
If you are Interested on the Beta then hurry, there are limited Beta places and its a first come first served basis. You now no longer need to use the Tell Us app to provide device Information for beta registration, which makes the process faster and less steps required.
Register here and there are full Instructions are on hand as well.