Earlier today, WhatsApp was removed from the TIzen Store but has now reappeared with a new update. Tizen phone users will be over the moon to hear that WhatsApp video calling is now Live on their Samsung Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4. You can also access WhatsApp over the Web using the Z3 and Z4, but not the Z1 and Z2 at the moment (thanks Joydeb).
On Saturday, WhatsApp had a problem with an error “Your device date is inaccurate! Adjust your clock and try again”. This outage caused many users to be unable to use the messaging app and leave them confused as to what is wrong with the Tizen version and why it has been behaving weirdly. We did think that possibly this was a facebook services issue, but that was not entirely correct.
In order to get the new update, you will need to launch the Tizen Store App and search for WhatsApp. Once the app is listed you will see an update button next to it, which you need to press in order for the update to commence. You can also go into the WhatsApp App, on the Tizen Store, and select the update button.
The update file size is 25MB. Once you have updated WhatsApp and launch it, you will be asked to update Facebook services – This is used by other apps such as Facebook, Instagram and Facebook Messenger. The update file is 24MB in size. Once updated you will not have the date and time problem and also be able to download files, pictures and videos like you used to be able to do.
The new WhatsApp Messenger update, version 2.16.9, is available on all Tizen smartphones – Samsung Z1, Z2, Z3, and Z4. Have you updated your Tizen smartphone? Let us know in the comments section below or email us at [email protected].
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