It was two short, short years ago that the Obama administration thrilled data and transparency wonks by launching, and a number of other ambitious sites. But as Marshall Kirkpatrick reported in our top story this week, Congress is now planning to eliminate the sites’ funding. There’s a push to save them (check the story for the updates), but I have a sinking feeling that it was just too good to last.

After the jump you’ll find more of this week’s top news stories on some of the key trends that are shaping the Web – mobile, location, Internet of Things – plus highlights from our six channels. Read on for more.
Top Stories of the Week

- & 7 Other Sites to Shut Down After Budgets Cut
- Awesome Augmented Reality App Could Save Librarians Hours
- Bieber’s ‘Baby’ Will Hit 500m Views Today; It’s Also The Most Hated Video on YouTube (For Now)
- Why Would Google Release an iPhone-Only Group Messaging App?
- Google Ditches Barcodes for NFC
More coverage and analysis from ReadWriteWeb
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As well as enabling you to read ReadWriteWeb while on the go or lying on the couch, we’ve made it easy to share ReadWriteWeb posts directly from your iPhone, on Twitter and Facebook using the official ReadWriteWeb iPhone app. You can also follow the RWW team on Twitter, directly from the app. We invite you to download it now from iTunes.
- Is Publicly Sharing Your Location Creepy? This App Thinks So
- No Wireless? No Worries. ForeverMap Gives You Offline Access to Maps
- The iPad Turns One: My Top 10 iPad Apps Over the Past Year
- Google’s Newest Mobile Search Feature is a Thing of Beauty
Internet of Things
More Internet of Things coverage
ReadWriteEnterprise is devoted to enterprise 2.0 and using social software inside organizations.
- A Facebook Operations Chief and the Product Lead for Google Chrome OS Join Jive Board
- Microsoft Needs to Open-Source Something Big. But What?
- Acquires Radian6: Are Businesses Ready for the Social Data Fire Hose?
ReadWriteStart is a resource for startups and entrepreneurs.
- How to Flip Your Startup in 5 Steps
- Is “Stealth” the Best Way to Build Your Business?
- Entrepreneurship’s Unclear, Unsanctioned Path
ReadWriteCloud is dedicated to virtualization and cloud computing.
- The Advantage of Cloud Infrastructure: Servers are Software
- Oracle Had a Killer Quarter – What Does That Mean for Open Source in the Cloud?
- Forget Rivalries, Pay Attention to the Developers
ReadWriteBiz is a resource and guide for small to medium businesses.
- Tweeting Often and on Weekends is More Effective, Suggests Data
- Are Your Files Backed Up? March 31 is World Backup Day
- Using Posterous for Your Small Business Email Newsletters
ReadWriteHack is a resource and guide for developers.
- 3 Presentations on R: Data Mining, Web Development and Data Visualization
- Gitmarks: A Bookmark Sharing System Built on Git
- PhantomJS: The Power of WebKit but Without the Broswer
ReadWriteMobile is dedicated to helping its community understand the strategic business and technical implications of developing mobile applications.
- Need a Mobile Web App Template? Mobile Boilerplate 1.0 is Here
- Google Tightens Its Grip on Android
- IDC Predicts Windows Phone Will Beat RIM & Apple by 2015
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
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