Home Wazapp for the Nokia N9/N950 has been Delayed (MeeGo Harmattan)

Wazapp for the Nokia N9/N950 has been Delayed (MeeGo Harmattan)

One of the most highly sought after applications, Wazapp the community port of the popular Instant Messaging application WhatsApp has been delayed. The release date of May 1st has not been achieved and here is what the developer wants everyone to know:

Hi, I just want to clarify something. Basically the only reason I set May 1 as a release date, wasn’t because the app was ready to be released, actually I had tons of bugs and work to do to make it actually usable by public without sucking. The only reason I set that date as a target was to force myself to fix all those issues before May 1, because otherwise it would have taken me like another month to do so. And I did fix all the issues I intended to fix on time, and was fully aiming to release a beta at that date. However when it came to testing a real scenario that included registration (which I rarely test) more things came up causing the delay. One of the things for example is that whatsapp registration code via SMS for some reason takes A LOT of time to arrive (I requested one yesterday which hasn’t arrived yet), which makes me think of adding voice request as a fallback registration method.
So yes maybe I shouldn’t have announced May 1 as a release date unless I was sure about it, but if I haven’t done so, it most probably would have been next month or something, while right now it should take only some hours of work to get it ready. But anyway I owe you an apology for not releasing it at that date and I hope no one is still mad at me 

The wait continues and it seems the developer is still working towards keeping everyone happy.
Source Talk Maemo

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