Below is a short briefing of the W3C Developer Meetup on 8 June 2013 in Tokyo. The meetup venue was the 14th floor of Mori Tower which accommodates leading financial and IT companies such as Nokia , Softbank, Bloomberg , Barclays and Google. The Mori Tower is located within Roppongi Hills which was built just 10 years ago!
This meetup was hosted by Japanese gaming company GREE Inc which invited around 300 people with Kensaku Komatsu & Marie Claire chairing the event. Both of whom where wearing Japanese anime costumes. Kensaku Komatsu is known for wearing frog costumes at developer events. Event goodies were in the form of Dorayaki cakes , one small cupcake and another larger cake with a HTML5J logo made with icing.
The event itself went smoothly with fantastic guest speakers and panelists , many tweets on #w3cdev along with many enthusiastic attendees with all speakers either speaking Japanese or English alongside real time translation. The information and presentations were fairly balanced and well thought out. You can see slides from the meetup page.
There was a social event afterwards which consisted of a brilliant buffet. Kensaku had organised a series of talks while guests were enjoying their food. After this guests received 2 large cream cakes which were decorated with the W3C and HTML5J logos (Images at Fumi Yamazaki’s blog post). The W3C cake was cut by Mike and Naoko congratulating them on their recent wedding.
W3C blog thank everyone who made this event possible , everyone from the HTML5J developers to NTT Communications people , with a special thanks to Nakajima who did most of the ground and coordinating work.
Source W3C Blog
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