Home Voddler Launches Movie-App for MeeGo and the Nokia N9

Voddler Launches Movie-App for MeeGo and the Nokia N9

Voddler, Scandinavia’s leading online film service, just launched a specially designed movie-app for Nokia’s Meego-platform and the Nokia N9. With the app, Voddler offers viewers both rent and ad-funded titles. The app is free and available in Ovi Store.
In the past months, Voddler has released film apps for Nokia Symbian, iPhone, iPad and Android devices. Voddler now launches a custom-built app for the Meego-platform and specifically for the Nokia N9.
– After the Nokia Symbian app that we launched in September, we are now very happy to add another app for yet another Nokia platform. We continue to expand our platform base, to meet our goal of offering you Voddler exactly when and where you are, regardless of which screen you happen to have nearby, says Anders Sjöman, VP Communication at Voddler.
– We’re happy to continue our partnership with Voddler, and to bring this path-breaking app also to our Meego-platform, says Christophe Joyau, Head of Services, Nokia North.
At launch, the app has about 250 movies activated for mobile viewing, both pay-per-view RENT-titles and ad-funded PLAY-titles. New titles will be added on a running basis from Voddler’s growing catalog of over 4,500 titles.
Voddler’s Meego app is free to download and works on the Nokia N9, based on the Meego platform. Movies in the app are shown both over mobile networks and WiFi.The app is available in Ovi Store. Download it to your Nokia handset or from this link: http://store.ovi.com/content/187345
For more information:
Anders Sjöman, VP Communication, Voddler,
[email protected], +46707176078, @anderssjoman on Twitter
Christophe Joyau, Head of Services, Nokia North
[email protected]
, +46 709 93 83 82
Oskar Södergren, Head of Communications, Nokia North
[email protected]
, +46 709 93 83 94
Source My News Desk

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