This is a sneak peek at Jamify. Jamify is a client application for the free music service Jamendo running on the Nokia N9 / N950 (MeeGo Harmattan). Music is about a journey and below is the story of how the developer got to Jamify:
The whole thing started with a quest for a native Spotify client for Linux. At that time, no native client existed (today there’s a beta client for premium users) so I decided to start doing one myself. While I was searching for information about APIs etc for Spotify I somehow (I really don’t remember) bumped into Jamendo.
After trying Jamendo for a while I decided to do my client for that service instead because I really like the concept. It’s pretty much the same as open source software but instead of developers putting code on the web, artists put their music on the web available for anyone to enjoy.
In the past, I’ve tried to create a desktop version of the application a couple of times but never got so far until now. With QtQuick and the N950 I really got the motivation and here’s the result so far.
There are still a lot of work to do but I hope I’ll manage to release a alpha/beta sometime soon. I haven’t decided which license I should use but I think it will be GPLv2.
The Developer Mario Boikov is busy finishing off the application but it was good to get hands on with it. Being new to the Jamendo service I didn’t know that there was such a thing as FREE music and this application brings it home to you.
Check out the hands on video to see what its all about:
Jamendo: platform n°1 for free legal music downloads
Available in seven languages, the website provide the biggest Creative Commons catalog in the world
For the artists it’s an easy and simple way to publish, share and promote their music, but also to get cash back through revenu share or other commercials partners.
You can check the Jamendo blog here. Thanks to Mario Boikov and we look forward to seeing how this application matures.