Home Vayyar’s Walabot Will Transform 3D Technology As We Know It

Vayyar’s Walabot Will Transform 3D Technology As We Know It

Vayyar, a 3D imaging sensor company  with technology making it possible to see through objects, liquids and materials  announced the launch of Walabot last week, a consumer version of its 3D imaging system.

Walabot’s powerful sensor technology can look through walls to detect structural foundations, track a person’s location and vital signs as they move through a smart home, measure the speed of a fast moving ball, and help drones and cars avoid collisions. 

The product’s capabilities have been described as akin to Superman x-ray vision and I was excited to meet with Raviv Melamed, Vayyar’s CEO and co-founder, at Mobile World Congress this week.  

Vayyar’s initial foray into sensor technology centred around breast cancer screening. Melamed explained:  

“More than 40% of insured woman in the United States don’t conduct early stage breast cancer screenings – an astonishing number given these tests are routine and often covered by insurance policies. Our vision with Vayyar is that woman won’t need to go to special screening clinics for mammograms performed in big, bulky and uncomfortable machines and instead, can use Vayyar at their regular check-up appointment. Vayyar is safe, portable, compact, light, and most importantly, inexpensive. As such, Vayyar can also be used in countries with limited medical resources.” 

But it soon becomes clear that Vayyar’s 3D imaging capabilities extended beyond breast cancer detection devices as Melamed discussed: 

“We originally created Vayyar sensors to detect early stage breast cancer, but we quickly realized how powerful our technology was and how useful it could be in other industries. Because our sensors can be used in nearly every scenario where non-destructive testing and the ability to detect different anomalies in an object is needed, it can be used in multiple use cases across many different industries.”  

Walabot’s new sensor

Walabot can help the blind avoid obstacles, sense – and alert you – if your mother or father has fallen in the shower, help your robot become autonomous and much more.”

Walabot will launch soon and Melamed hopes for big things:

“It’ll be interesting to see what makers, curious inventors and innovators around the world create when we release our API to the public in April. The power of Vayyar’s 3D sensor is truly special, and this community will have a great time discovering its potential. When Walabot launches in April, the product will ship with a Vayyar-created app in addition to a community-created app that people around the world can enjoy.” 

Walabot will range in price from $99 to $599 and is currently available for preorder. This is going change 3D technology as we know it and is definitely one to watch. 

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