Twenty-year PR veteran Sean Garrett just announced that he’s leaving the communications startup he helped found five years ago and taking a new position as vice president of communications at Twitter.
Garrett says he’s been consulting for Twitter for the past few months, via 463 Communications. Twitter has been hiring fast lately, often picking up smart people working at partner companies.
Garrett is a UCLA grad in Political Science and first worked in the office of California Governor Pete Wilson in 1990. He went on to do PR with many of the biggest tech companies in Silicon Valley.
Garrett created an account on Twitter on March 8th, 2007 (co-incidentally, one day after I joined, so our anniversaries are coming soon, Sean!) and pays attention on Twitter to people like Mike Masnick of the tech blog TechDirt and maverick PR guy Jeremy Pepper.
Twitter desperately needs communications help. The company has grown in importance faster than it’s been able to keep up with. Garrett’s phone will no doubt be ringing off the hook.
He’ll be working in the Communications Department with Jenna Sampson, who came from Yahoo!, former CNN correspondent Alexa Lee and Emily Pinkerton, among others. You can follow all four on Twitter via this list.