There are very few apps in the Tizen store that allow you to save personal accounts passwords. Two months ago the Mobimax team added an app named 1Password. Today, a new smartwatches app seller Matthies Flotzinger added a new app named TrueLock. After a good success on Smartwatches, they have now made this app for Tizen Smartphones.
The TrueLock app provides a high level of security for managing any of your account’s passwords through a user-friendly interface right on your wrist and now on Tizen smartphones. The app has an easy user Interface and functionality compared to other mobiles. Whether users are using a cash machine or a home PC, their most important data is always at hand on their smartphone.
- Central access to all access data
- Space for almost unlimited data
- Secure storage with AES encryption technology
- Uncomplicated access to complex passwords
- No other terminals needed to manage your passwords
- Random generator for easily creating passwords
Let’s see how to use Truelock
- Start: After successful installation, the program can be started in the menu. After the start, you will be asked to enter your number combination. The number combination is set by alternating left-right rotation of the mechanical wheel. The default combination is “10-20-30”. All Numbers equal to minutes on a Watch. The input is confirmed by tapping the screen. “10-20-30” & left-right combination is Right:10 – Left:20 – Right 30. If the combination is correct, the user will get to the menu with their accounts. And if the combination is wrong, the error message “Access denied” appears and your input is reset. The input must now be restarted.
- Change access code: To change your current pattern(combination) go to “Main Menu” and click on “Change Login”. A message will appear, which you can confirm by clicking on the checkmark. Give any pattern combination. Turn the wheel to the desired position. Wait a moment and turn it in the opposite direction to the next desired position. Repeat this process until you reach your desired combination. Now, “Truelock” prompts users to enter your passphrase again. After successful input, the change is confirmed with “New key applied” and the return to the main menu, in which the contents of the “Truelock” password manager can be managed.
- Create account: To create a new account or save any new account password, click on “Add account”. Create account name and password of this account then “Create”. For example: “PayPal”, “ebay” etc.
- Retrieve password: Open “Truelock”. Enter your login number combination, scroll to the desired account in the menu and click on the name. The corresponding password is displayed.
- Password Generator: Users can generate any account’s password by tap on the “Generate Password”.
- Delete Account: To delete any account go to your desired account and tap on “Delete Account”.
Truelock is Available from today in the Tizen store with a download size of exactly 2MB. This is a good app that is listed for FREE for now, but will NOT remain free forever. Compatible with all Tizen Smartphones such as the Samsung Z1, Z2, Z3 and the upcoming Samsung Z4.
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