Home Top 20 Best Tizen Apps in the Tizen Store for February 2018

Top 20 Best Tizen Apps in the Tizen Store for February 2018

Whats happening in the world of Tizen Smartphones? Well, not really that much of late, but that’s probably another post for another time.
For the last year we have kept a close eye on the Tizen App ecosystem and today we bring you the Top 20 Apps downloaded from the Tizen Store during February 2018 for the Samsung Z1, Z2, Z3, and Z4 mobiles. New entries in the Top 20 are 99 Apps, Hill Driver, Balloon shoot, Music Press MX Music Player, and Jio TV. The rest are the usual suspects. Anyone that has been following this list knows not much really changes from month to month at the moment on the store.
WhatsApp took the number one position as soon as it was released on the platform and it’s definitely not moving anywhere now. The list has been thinned out a bit since Open Mobile closed down operations. For those that are not familiar with ACL, it stands for Application Compatibility Layer and it essentially enables Android apps to run on non-Android operating systems including Tizen, Linux, and others.
Facebook, Facebook Messenger, VLC for Tizen, HERE Maps, and IMO, are the big apps that are still available, but I wouldn’t put any money on any new big apps coming to the store anytime soon.

Top 20 Best Tizen Apps for February 2018

1. WhatsApp Messenger 2. Facebook
3. Facebook Messenger 4. Opera Mini web browser
5. Hotstar 6. Xender
7. 99 Apps 8. Hancom Office Viewer
9. HERE Maps 10. imo free video calls and chat
11. Hill Drive 12. Balloon Shoot
13. Calendar 14. Music Xpress
15.Temple Run 2 16.Downloader For YouTube
17. Smart Tutor 18.VLC for Tizen
19. Danger Dash 20. Jio TV


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