Home Tonal the In-Home Gym You’ve Dreamed About

Tonal the In-Home Gym You’ve Dreamed About

In-home gym equipment has taken a gigantic leap during the COVID-19 era. We couldn’t get out and go to the gym, and many suffered because of seclusion. Everyone knows that exercise helps your attitude, your body, and your mental clarity.

Tonal the In-Home Gym You’ve Dreamed About

Tonal adds one more feature to an already stellar package — support. You are never alone if you don’t want to be — you have a full-support coaching team.

Okay — full disclosure — I already have a great home gym and I love it. But I came to love my home gym even more during the lockdown phase of COVID because it kept my head straight and in the game. Workouts made it so that I could get to work and do my very stressful job done — Tonal makes the whole exercise process easier and more rewarding.

This is the Tonal hardware.

Your Tonal will arrive with two delivery guys to install your equipment. This is a very strategic move on the part of Tonal. This gym is heavy — I mean heavy. You do not want to try and get this on the wall yourself — and thankfully, as part of the price of the gym — you get installation. The Tonal must be hung correctly because of its weight and the weight you will be using against it.

Digital Weight

Ever heard of digital weight? Well, I hadn’t. When you first engage with the weights, you will feel like I did — a serious workout. Everyone asks me if there is enough weight resistance, and the answer is yes. You’ll want to hop on and get signed in and create your account — especially if more than one person in your household will be using your Tonal.


Here are a couple of guides I used when getting started. The software that comes with the gym makes it so that you don’t need anything extra — but I just wanted to see what other guys were experiencing — so I got on YouTube.

First, you’ll want to use the Tonal Quick Start Guide by Tonal.

You will want to read through this whole guide. If you haven’t already ordered the Tonal — hop on this guide now and cruise around — you’ll quickly see why Tonal is the gym for you.

Another Guide — I liked this guy’s explanations a lot.

Tonal. Worth the Hype? (Full Review and Workout Demo) PaulSklarXFit — YouTube


I’m not overly macho — and yes, it’s nice to see a woman working out in the gym — but I really appreciated these two men on YouTube.

Garage Gym Reviews YouTube


Your wife, daughter, or partner will love the gym as well.

You will not believe the incredible beauty of this training equipment. It is a pleasure to work on this high-quality gym. This is not a mess-around gym. The Tonal Gym is for the serious contender. You will GO somewhere if you train on this equipment — I sort of feel like the “weak-link” of workout! But now, everyone at the gym doesn’t have to know. I can work early or late and the coaches feel real, familiar, and like my own peeps trusted.

The Tonal Hanging From Your Wall — Beautiful!

You’ll build strength, stamina, flexibility. You’ll have a better outlook on life — if I could say the Tonal would get you into Heaven — I would!

Truly a remarkable product.


Image Credit: images are taken from the Tonal website, Paul Sklar; YouTube, Garage Gym Reviews; YouTube; thank you!

Top Image Credit: karolina grabowska; pexels; thank you!

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Brad Anderson

Brad is the former editor who oversaw contributed content at ReadWrite.com. He previously worked as an editor at PayPal and Crunchbase.

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